1. Simon

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Penny and I have been living in our London apartment for 6 weeks. We are living together until September when I will move in with Baz in Oxford so we can go to university together. It is the middle of July now so I won't move for ages. At the moment Baz lives in his new family home in Oxfordshire and visits Penny and I every other weekend.

"Simon could you make some tea for me please?" Penny shouts from the bathroom. "Otherwise I'll be late for work and super sleepy without the cafine." 

"Sure!" I reply I'm always the early bird up before anyone else in the entire apartment block!

Penny works at the Magickal Lawyers Firm in the centre of London and she always seems to be running late! Baz and Penny don't think it wise for me to be working yet in case somebody recognises me, but I have lost my wings and tail and it gets quite boring without magic or anyone else during the day in the flat. So, I have started working as an estate agent for Ashton's and I'm much more interested. 

The door bell rings.

"I'll get it!" Penny will be busy anyway

I think it will be the post man because it's almost Penny's birthday, so I go answer the door and I am met with a  great surprise Baz is standing on the doorstep on a week day when I wasn't expecting him.

"Surpr" he says weekly but I never let him finish because I'm so glad to see him. I crash my lips down on his and pull him into the flat. Penelope was  just leaving  when she saw us.

"Hi Baz couldn't you have waited?" She asks 

He breaks away to grin at her "Nope!" And laughs.

"Well have fun and behave yourselves I'll see you later!"

"Bye" we chorus. We will definitely have some fun.


Hi guys thanks for reading the first chapter I have many more planned! Please comment and vote for it if you have any suggestions I would love to here them! 

Elly xx

See you next time 

Which will hopefully be tomorrow as I am on holiday yay !!!

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