34. Milkshake

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"I didn't know what to get you, so I got you their most recommended mint white chocolate milkshake. I hope you don't mind, Felix," Hyunjin spits out in one breath, panting while holding two cups of drinks in his hand, both beverages at the risk of spilling out if Hyunjin doesn't hold them upright soon. He's slightly bent at the waist, eyes closed and breathing hard through his nose.

Felix takes pity on him.

So, smiling warmly at the back of his date's downturned head, he reaches forward to take his drink out of the poor man's hand. And as predicted, as soon as one of his hands get freed, it comes to settle over his knee, supporting the weight of his upper torso.

Cute, Felix thinks, gently guiding Hyunjin out of the crowd's way. They stand like that for a minute or two, Hyunjin huffing and puffing, while Felix tries to discreetly map every detail that makes Hyunjin such a heartthrob.

When finally he manages to gather his bearings, Hyunjin straightens up, cheeks burning red due to the embarrassing entrance he had made in his haste to not become late. And Felix swoons over him like a love fool, heart thudding against his rib cage and heart-eyes drinking the man before him. He takes a sip of his drink to distract himself from the route of his thoughts.

The mint is a very welcoming taste, the refreshing feeling that it leaves behind, makes him appreciate the drink even more. White chocolate has always been his weakness, and with the fresh and cooling effect of the mint, it has Felix slurping at it a little too greedily. He moans in appreciation before realising who he is with and where he is.

"This is really good, Hyunjin!" He hurries to say, covering the slightly embarrassing noise that slipped by. Hyunjin doesn't seem too bothered though, sipping on his drink like thirst is out there to get him. But he does beam proudly at Felix, making Felix forget to breathe. Again.


It's been over fifteen minutes the two have left the subway station behind, wandering the busy Seoul streets this early on a Saturday morning. Hyunjin is guiding them to the bus-stop to catch the bus that'll take them across the city where their destination lies--not that Felix knows.
It's a newly opened dog café, highly recommended by Daehwi and Dongju. Felix likes dogs and Hyunjin likes Felix. It's a perfect place for a get-to-know-each-other kind of date.

"So Seungmin was that unfortunate first year that got stuck as Han Jisung's roommate?" Hyunjin laughs, slapping his knee for a good measure. "I still remember watching Jisung beg Jeongin to take him in for a night because 'My headass of a roommate kicked me out! Again!'" He wipes at the corner of his eyes, eyes tearing up slightly after laughing like a maniac.

Felix nods, taking a sip of his drink. "Jeongin is paying up for taking Jisung in all those time," he says, smiling his own evil smile.

"Wait," Hyunjin wheezes, "are they roomed together?" A confirming nod. And Hyunjin laughs again, eyes crinkling adorably.

And Felix takes this time to really looks at the Hwang Hyunjin in front of him.

Hyunjin is dressed down, his attire is relaxed--red checkered shirt tucked in his black ripped jeans. And it makes Felix feel relaxed too, doesn't feel under-dressed in his black Little Mix hoodie and blue jeans. This is his first time seeing Hyunjin looking this free and relaxed, the Australian observes. His eyes drink in the Korean in front of him, who's busy laughing, drink sloshing dangerously in the glass. There is no trace of makeup as far as Felix can tell, wire-rimmed round glasses sitting cutely on his nose and a tiny dreamcatcher earring dangling prettily. His hair looks the fluffiest today, some sticking out in awkward directions, but complementing his overall casual look.

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