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Alya layed on her bed, despite still being terrified of the idea of becoming a mom she was more calm now maybe even slightly excited. The idea of a child that was a miniature her......and also Miles. The thought reminded her she'd eventually have to have the talk with him since he would eventually realize once he saw her school. School, one more problem she was going to have to work out. The other students would see her slowly growing bigger, they'd talk and gossip. Would she be able to do the teen mom thing while going to such an advance school as Keaton? Would she even be allowed back to it at all? Her mother and her would probably have to have a meeting with Durani to discuss it. Her mother, she'd have to tell her to how she managed to get into this situation. Compared to the idea of that having to talk to Miles and listen to the gossip didn't seem to matter. All these thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a sudden sick feeling, morning sickness again.

Alya confession can: Whoever coined the phrase "morning" sickness clearly never experienced it first hand otherwise would have given it a more accurate name!

She rushed to the bathroom, after a few dry heaves she went to the mirror to clean herself up. It was still obvious she had been crying. She wet a washcloth and wiped it over face. She stared in the mirror awhile longer before something else caught her eye. She lifted her shirt just above her belly button and ran her hand over it. There was no bump yet but to her it was somehow still noticeable.

"Hey baby, so this is really happening isn't it?" She said half smiling but also beginning to tear up again as she ran her hands over her belly. She was so lost in thought she didn't hear the front door open or anyone come in.

"Alya! Alya? Alya?!" a voice called out clearly female.

"Shoot Mindys home" she thought to herself.

Alya confession: Mindy, my adoptive sister, had her audition for Keaton today for the dance program. Sounds pretty excited, least one of us will be going.

"Alya! I did it! I made it in! I'm going to be part of Helswheel's dance class!" She hollered excitedly rushing into Alya's room before realizing she wasn't there.

"That's awesome be right there!" She called back before looking back to the mirror. "This is Mindy's moment don't ruin it." She pulled her shirt back down and left the bathroom and returned to her bedroom. When she got there she noticed Mindy looking back at her holding something, eyes wide like she saw something that surprised her.

"Are these yours?" She asked holding up the same box with the pregnancy tests she showed Bianca earlier.

"I'm sorry I can explain, you weren't supposed to find out this way, please don't be mad!" she cried beginning to tear up again.

"Are you.......?" she asked still staring dumbfounded. Alya just shook her head unable to say anything. What happened next she didn't expect.

"I'm going to be an aunt?" she asked but instead of upset she sounded excited. She ran over and hugged Alya, who was stunned by this reaction but couldn't help smile at Mindy's excitement.

"That's so amazing! When will the kid be here? Do you have any idea for names? Is it Miles's? Does mom know?" she rambled off many more questions as she tried to answer them. Two hours later they found themselves still laying on Alya's bed. Mindy having run through almost every question she could think of.

"When mom gets back from her business trip can I be there with you when you tell her?"

"Yeah, she's probably not going to be happy, I'm going to need all the support I can get"

"Do you think you and Miles will get back together?" she asked innocently.

"I don't know, I know I can't compete with his new girlfriend who isn't pregnant."

"Even if not you'll still be an awesome mom"

"Why do you sound so sure?"

"You're already an awesome big sister."

Alya didn't reply. She wrapped her arms around her sister and kissed her on top of her head. They fell asleep there. The next morning Alya woke up to another round of "morning" sickness rushing to the bathroom. When she returned she noticed Mindy was gone, probably went back to her room, she layed back down and went back to sleep. Sometime later she woke up again, a small teddy bear appeared on her night stand with a note attached.

"This isn't the end of your life......just the start of an even better one"


Okay so sorry for the delay I meant that to be up way sooner but hopefully the next won't be as long a wait, comments and constructive criticism are as always welcomed and whatever ideas you may have.

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