first week

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i started university this year and on my very first class i met him, but i was so nervous i barely payed attention to whatever he was saying, there were ninety people in the room and i was sitting in the back with some girls i had met before the semster started.

during the third class i had with him i realised how pretty he is. he always dresses semi-formal or just totally formal, he's a lawyer after all. he looks so good its honestly hard to describe...
during this particular class he laughed a lot, i don't remember why he laughed since i was mesmerised by his pretty dimples. i love his dimples.
he has brown messy hair, not short and not too long either, just messy and a tiny bit curly, its that kind of hair that makes u want to run ur fingers through it.
it was this day, our third class, when i started thinking about him more than normal. since ive had crushes on teachers before i didnt think much of it, just kind of thought "well he's cute, of course im thinking about him"

days went by and i was excited to see him in class even though i only saw him twice a week, i was always looking foreward to see him. i also really liked his class, he teaches my current favourite law subject so i enjoyed the class even more. so i guess my interest, how smart, passionate and pretty he is kind of mixed up and created this terrible, terrible crush.

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