Chapter 1

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Waylon's P.O.V.

Today was the day I was meeting mom's boyfriend's kids.
The doorbell rang and my mom ran to get it.
She opened the door and smiled.
"Hey guys. Come on in." She said.
I saw my mom's boyfriend, Dale, who I've met once before, walk in and four giants followed behind him.
"Boys, this is my son Waylon." Mom introduced pointing to me.
"Waylon, these are my sons Frasier, Ross, Colin and Sawyer." Dale told me while pointing to each kid.
I nodded and mom said "While we make dinner, why don't you boys go upstairs and get to know each other?"
We nodded and I went upstairs with them following.

I let them to the family room we have upstairs and I sat down on my bean bag chair. They all sat down on the couch and we sat in awkward silence. None of us looked at each other and I stared at the ground.
"So how old are you?" A rough voice asked.
"Eleven. Almost twelve." I answered meekly.
"H-how old are you guys?" I asked still not looking up.
"Fray and I are 16, Colin is 15 and Sawyer is 14." Someone answered.
"Do you like sports?" I think Sawyer asked after it was quiet for a few minutes.
"Kinda, I used to play soccer." I answered.
"Why'd you quit?" Someone asked.
"My dad." I answered.
Nobody responded and it got quiet again.

"When's your birthday?" Frasier asked.
"When's yours?" I answered with a question.
"Ross and I's is January 28th, Colin's is March 3rd, and Sawyer's is May 5th." Frasier answered.
"Now when's your birthday?" Ross asked.
"October 31st." I answered.
"You were born on Halloween? Sick!" Colin said.
"Not really. I don't like horror movies or scary things." I answered.
They all laughed and Sawyer asked "Do you ever look at people when they're talking to you?"
"Sometimes. I'm not one for eye contact." I answered still focusing on the ground.

"What grade you in?" Colin asked.
"Seventh." I answered.
It went quiet again and I looked at them through my lashes after a few minutes.
They were all on their phones and completely zoned out.
Colin looked up from his phone and saw me looking at them.
I blushed and looked down.
I saw him smirk a little bit and I took out my iPod.
I played one of my games for a few minutes and I looked up to see all of them staring at me.
I looked down at my game again and shrunk in my seat.
They snickered and we all went back go ignoring sack other.

After half an hour, mom came upstairs to get us for dinner.
We ate dinner and went back upstairs.
Mom and Dale can upstairs and said that they needed to tell us something.
"So since you guys are getting along so well, we decided to get engaged and move into a new house together." Mom told us.
Our jaws dropped and streams of profanity poured out of Dale's kid's mouths and were said under their breath.
"We move next week." Dale told us.
We sighed and they walked back downstairs.

"I don't like you anymore." Sawyer said looking down at me.
"The feelings mutual." I replied.
We spent the rest of the night not talking to each other and looking at our phones.

A week later...

Today is the day I move in with Dale and his kids. I have to move schools which sucks since I really like my school here. We pulled up to the new house and I grabbed my stuff. I went inside and to the room Dale told me was mine. I started unpacking my stuff and had my door open. Something hit me in the back of the head and I whipped around to see nobody at the door but a tennis ball on the floor. I picked it up and cautiously walked out of my room.
I didn't see anyone so I was about to go back into my room when Colin threw a tennis ball at me super hard and it hit me in the eye. I screamed and held my eye. He gasped and put his hand over my mouth. My eyes started watering and I ran away from him. I went into my room and shut the door and I started crying a little bit.

I stopped crying after a few minutes and continued to unpack my stuff. Once I unpacked everything, I laid down in my bed and took a nap.

After half an hour, I woke up to my door opening.
Somebody shook me and I opened my eyes to see either Ross or Frasier. I can't really tell them apart.
I closed my eyes and was about to go back to sleep when he lifted me up.
"We're going to register you for your new school. Come on." He said as they set me on the ground.
I sighed walking out of my room with him and downstairs.
We all got in the van and I was forced into the back by the twins.
Colin and Sawyer sat next to me and we started driving.
I put my headphones on and started watching Family Guy on my IPod.

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