Maybe you should of thought of that
before this, before attacking the serpents
before becoming a cult leader
before teaming up with Hiram

Please I know you care too much to do this to me Violet

I know
I care too much to do this to anyone
Even to someone I hate so much like you

Please Violet
If not for me but for Naviana

Naviana? What does she have
to do with this?
I know she would tell
me to give you a second chance
And how everyone deserves
another chance
Blah blah blah but-

No, not about her
But her
Remember how I saved her the night of the musical
And you said you owed me?
Well if you really meant it
This is me cashing in that favor
Please I beg you

Violet ?
You still there?
Ugh fine!
Where are you?
And know this is just a favor
and my horrible character
for caring too much because
my guilty conscience
wouldn't live knowing I did nothing
Because i surely don't forgive you

I'm hiding behind some garbage bin.
Please Violet, you gotta help me
I'm sorry for everything but please-

Just tell me exactly where you're
A random garbage bin isn't
exactly helping me
Where exactly are you?

Im still by the sheriff's station
I haven't really gotten out of here
I just hid once the fighting started

Okay okay
Stay put
I'm making my way there okay?
Just make sure no one sees you


Alright? I'll be there soon

Hey, Violet


Be careful

With that the phone call ended between the two. Violet took a deep breath and started making her way back to the sheriff's station.

She couldn't believe she's on her way to rescue Reggie. But she must, she owed him and she couldn't do this to anyone even if it was Reggie.

Violet was a really caring and loving person inside. She knew this was the right thing to do but man did she wish it wasn't.

She made it to the sheriff's station where there was still plenty of people there. Many were fighting and destroying things. Violet carefully goes around the station making sure no spots her and decide to mess with her.

She looks around trying to see if she can see Reggie. She notices some garbage bins and carefully goes over there. Violet bends her knees a bit to be closer to the ground.

     "Reggie." Violet whispers shout, making sure no one else would hear her. "Reggie, it's me Violet. Are you here?"

No response.

Violet tries one more time before leaving, "Reginald." She got closer to the bins. "Mantle. Reginald. Reggie. Cult leader. Where the fuck are you?" Violet sighs, still getting no response. She stands up straighter, turning around she starts walking away from the bins.

     "Over here." Violet overhears someone say over by the bins. She turns back around and walks toward them. She then sees Reggie slowly peer through the bins and getting out of his hiding place. Violet sighs in relief that he was there.

She goes over and extends her arm towards him to help him get up. He takes her hand and helps himself up. Once up he suddenly hugs Violet. Violet surprised by the hug just stands there. She slowly and awkwardly pats his head.

Reggie pulls apart from the hug. Violet notices his face, all scared. She's never seen him like this before. He always seemed so arrogant and confident as well as cocky. But now he seems like a scared little boy who thinks there's a monster under his bed.

     "So I think you should let Archie or your bulldogs know we're here." Violet mentions while looking around her, making sure no one sees them. "I can't. My phone is out of battery." He shows her his phone and presses the on button. The phone stays on the black screen.

Violet presses her lips together trying to think. "Well then I guess you can use my phone. You do know their numbers by memory right?" Reggie looks at her, thinking to himself. Then he shakes his head. Violet sighs, "Okay then I'll just call Jughead-"

Reggie interrupts Violet, "No, not Jughead! He'll let the serpents know where I am." Violet grabs her phone from her pocket and takes it out. "If you would of let me finish... I was going to say I would call Jughead and tell him to give me Archie's number. Without mentioning you." Reggie stayed quiet knowing that was a good plan and he shouldn't of interrupted.

Violet presses the home button on her phone to try and unlock it. But her phone doesn't unlock nor light up. Instead it's just black. She tries to hold on the power button but it does nothing.

Violet puts her phone back in her pocket, "Great. My phone is also dead."

     "What do we do now?" Worriedly Reggie looks around him making sure no one would come see them. Violet thought for a second, trying to think of something. She snapped her fingers thinking of something, "I know! Let's go to Pop's. He's sure to have a phone we can use. And we'll be inside, instead of out here in danger."

Reggie nodded, agreeing with her plan. Violet started walking out of the back of the station with Reggie following behind. Once they reached a point where people can see them, they stopped. Violet turns around facing Reggie, "Okay from now on we have to be very careful. If anyone sees you, you're dead. But if anyone sees me helping you, I am dead too. So we have to be really careful."

Violet starts taking off her jacket and hands it to Reggie. "Here use this as some way to cover yourself, something so they won't notice your face from a far. Unless they get too close, they won't know it's you."

Reggie puts her jacket around his head like he would wear a hoodie. When done putting it on, Violet nodded her head to start moving. She grabbed his hand and lead the way to Pop's.

Both of them safely made it to Pop's unnoticed. They quickly got inside and noticed it was pretty much empty. Pop was behind the counter when the two came inside.

Reggie went to sit down at a booth, while Violet went over to Pop. "Hey you don't happen to know Archie Andrews phone number?" Pop looked at Reggie sitting down in the booth, contemplating life, and then to the girl in front of him. He nodded his head and went over to the phone to dial Archie.

»»————- ∘ ————-««

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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