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IT WAS PAST MIDNIGHT when Violet gets to the sheriff's station. She sees the angry mob that Toni was talking about. There was so many people shouting and holding up signs.

Violet pushes through the crowd to see if she can enter the station. Many start pushing her around. Violet tries to push pass them but she can not. Worried that she won't be able to get inside, she takes her phone out to call Toni.

But she notices Jughead from a far on his phone. Relieved, she quickly runs and pushes past people to get to Jughead.

     "Your guys are here and they're out of control. Well, they want to rip Fangs apart. He's getting out and we need your help, Archie, please!" Violet hears Jughead scream into his phone. Once he hangs up he notices Violet next to him.

     "I can't get through. Better luck if we both try?" She yells at him, trying to be heard over this whole chaos. Jughead nods and starts walking towards the entrance while Violet walked beside him. They pushed through the crowd, Violet can hear some chanting Justice for Midge! While others chanted Free Fangs!

Jughead and her are able to make it through the crowd and get inside. Once inside Jughead approaches a cop, "We can't take Fangs out the front. We have to take the side entrance." The cop looking unfazed replies back to him, "Crowd's out there, too. So pick your poison, Serpent." The cop then leaves them there deciding what to do.

"What do we do, man?" Sweetpea asks Jughead not knowing how they should get Fangs out to safety. A very scared and frantic Fangs paces a bit and whines, "I don't wanna die."

Jughead inhales sharply, "Fangs, you're not going to." He grabs ahold of Fangs' face, "Look at me, okay?" Eyes full of tears that are daring to fall, Fangs whines at him. Jughead then takes a hold of Sweetpea too and makes the group gather, "We stand together so none of us falls. In unity, there is strength."

Jughead, Sweetpea, Fangs, Toni and Violet are all huddled together in a circle with their heads together. They all with their voices trembling say together, "In unity, there is strength!"

With that the group head out the door of the sheriff's station. They're all around Fangs, trying to protect him from the angry mob.

Outside, FP and other serpents try to help them. The mob keep pushing and yelling at them. Violet can feel the pushes and their screams. She feels some scratches onto her jacket as they make their way through the crowd.

From the back, Reggie makes his way through the crowd with ease. He pushes away serpents, slowly removing a serpent surrounding Fangs. Violet feels less serpents around them. She looks around and sees Reggie. Most importantly she notice him holding a gun.

Without thinking she let's go from the group of serpents and quickly makes her body go into Reggie's with full force, using all her strength that she can.

The both of them go down to the floor quickly. Reggie slightly on top of Violet's body, has his arms laid out in front of him with one of them holding the gun.

The serpents notice Violet and Reggie on the floor. But most importantly Reggie with a gun in his hand. The serpents who aren't huddled around Fangs no more still try backing away from them, trying to push Fangs forward.


Violet and Reggie with their mouths open with disbelief see the serpents duck down. They also see a standing Fangs with a growing bloody stain on his shirt. They see the serpents freak out around Fangs about the sound of a gun firing.

The serpents finally take notice of Fangs just standing there. They see him slowly grabbing onto himself where the bloody stain is. Jughead and Sweetpea grab onto him from both his sides. Fangs slowly falls backwards onto the floor, with Jughead and Sweetpea still holding him.

FP and Toni join them onto the floor. FP looks around with anger and disbelief on his face. His eyes linger for a bit on Reggie and Violet who were still on the floor then to Archie in the crowd.

Jughead looks up from Fangs and shouts "Get help!" to the crowd. Sweetpea looks up as well and angrily looks at Reggie on the floor with Violet.

From the floor Violet can see people starting to fight each other through the chaos. From there, it was going to be the start of a riot in Riverdale.

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author's note | happy halloween 🎃

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