My Bestfriend is you

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<Hi Guys! This book is getting so much popularity (in my eyes) this is so cool and new to me and I'm so thankful for this. in this story I will be using the name Isabel if I have already used this name I'm sorry I just didn't realize. Also if you would like to see another book then please comment down below what book you would like to do :) love you bb xoxo>

Is -Isabel /Izzy    C - Colby    S - Sam     K- Katrina    

I was walking into school after a  really different summer break. As I get towards my locker my friends all start running up to me.

K - "ISABEL!!!"

Kat ran up to me and almost pushed me over when she hugged me. Sam came up as well and hugged me then Colby came up and finished the group hug. I missed them a lot over the break. I never saw them because my family and I went on a freak trip to Australia so I didn't get to hang out with anyone from our friendship group.  

K - "You have to tell us everything about what happened in Australia! Did u see a snake? How many spiders did you see? DID YOU PET A KOALA?"

Is - "Okay Okay," I said while chuckling at her excitement " I didn't see a wild snake I saw about 5 spiders and yes I pet a koala and before you ask it smelt weird but it was really soft and really cute"

K - "awww"

S - Kat just let her be she just got to school"

K - "Fine Fine"

The bell rang and Sam and Kat had the same class so they went and Colby and I had the same class so we walked to class together

------walking to class------

C - "Hey so you heard about Sam liking Kat right?"

Is - "WHAT! no all I knew was that Kat liked Sam"


we were both so confused because we met each other in mini groups. Kat and I had been friends for ages then we met Sam and Colby we all got along so we decided to be a friend group. Sam and Kat always were really close and before the break, Kat told me that she had a huge crush on Sam and honestly I ship them. They are so cute together but now that I know that Sam likes Kat back this could be a thing.

Is - "This is perfect, They would look so Perfect. Like I could see them getting married"

C - "I know right! I shot being best man" Colby says excitedly

Is - "No Colby I wanted to be best man," I say in a sarcastic tone

C - "Sorry your moustache was intimidating I had to make sure you knew I was the best man," He says with an evil grin

Is - "COLBY!" I say and slap him while giggling "But my moustache looks good right?"

C - "Yes of course"

Is - "anyway at break you need to tell Sam, ok and I will tell Kat"

C - "Yes meet at my locker after, don't take to long"

Is - "I won't"

--------------Sam and Kat were told and started dating immediately but somehow became the most popular couple at school and they left me and Colby behind. You and Colby are sitting together-------------

Is - "So after 3 years of friendship this is what we get," I say while staring at Sam and Kat sitting next to each other at the popular table

C - " I know, we were all so close and now it's like they don't know we exist!" 

Is - "Ugh I'm sorry Colby, It's my fault I was the one who suggested getting them together"

C - "No don't blame yourself if I didn't tell you wouldn't have lost your best friend"

Is - " But Colby I didn't loose my best friend, My Best friend Is You"

Colby lifted his head and looks at me and he just hugs me, he hugs me really tight and started crying a bit. 

C - "I miss Sam a lot, and not knowing if I would ever have anyone else sucked but I never wanted to ask you because I knew you were sad and I didn't want to interfere with you."

Is - "Colby I love you ok, and I will always be here for you, you never need to worry ok you are always ok to ask if you need me."

I start to cry as well, seeing how much pain Colby was in really reminded me of how much pain I was in. It was torture, every day I would see my ex-best friend with my other ex-best friend being happy and loving life without me like they didn't need me or Colby in the first place.

C - "Same goes for you ok, we only have each other and we need to stick together," he says as he wipes away a tear from his eye

Is - "Thank you," I say while also wiping away my last few tears

<Hi Guys that's the end! hope you all liked it. again it was quite short but I have been trying to catch up on all the stories I need to write for this book so there should be another one coming out soon. once again thank you so much for the support with this book I seriously can't thank you enough. Love you bb xoxo>

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