Chapter 9: The master mind revealed! (Y/n), give everything you got! - Part 1

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(Y/n): Still though, I wish I could have seen you all fight. It would have been great to see and study from it as well.

Vert: We do have footage from each fight including yours. We can watch it during the party if you wish?

(Y/n): That sounds like a cool idea. Good thinking Vert.

Vert: Ha ha. You're quite welcome.

As (Y/n) and Vert rested and watched some children play with their families. Vert then asks (Y/n) a question.

Vert: So I heard you have a little sister (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yeah, did Neptune tell you?

Vert: No, it was Noire. She said you had a close bond with your sister. What is she like?

(Y/n): Well she's energetic, fun, and someone to help cheer anyone up. Why do you ask Vert?

Vert looks towards the family with the two children as (Y/n) looked at them as well.

Vert: You have a family back in your world, and our friends here have sisters. For me, I have no sister to call my own to have a family with.

(Y/n) looks at Vert and taps Vert on the shoulder to gain her attention.

(Y/n): Yeah... That may be true, but I like to say my friends are like my family also. Even if they are just friends.

Vert: What do you mean by that?

(Y/n): Friends are a part of everyone's life for a reason. I like to think my friend (F/n) as a sibling to me sometimes. Even though he gives me trouble from time to time, we've known each other for a long time. Even though we met on bad terms once, but as time progressed, we became good friends to where we think of each other as siblings. Though some may not think like that, I kinda do since me and him are very close.

Vert looks at (Y/n) as he says this. She smiles due to (Y/n)'s words as she then gets up.

Vert: Come on (Y/n), let's get back to our friends for the party. Don't want to make them mad that we are running late do we?

(Y/n): Yeah, you're right. Noire will kill us if we're late. Though she does have some good sense on how to plan for a party right on the spot.

Vert: Yes. She helped me prepare once when I was too busy and had everyone contribute to prepare the party.

(Y/n): Well then, I know who's planning my birthday party next year if it happens.

Vert and (Y/n) laugh as they continue walking. Behind them, a shadowy presence emerges from the ground as if like a portal. A hand stretches from it with the figure smiling under the helmet.

???: I have you now!

(Y/n) hears a voice as he turns around and sees a dark shadow trying to envelop around him and Vert. With quick reflexes, (Y/n) reacts fast by pushing Vert away with some force with his energy to get her out of the way. When Vert looks back to question why (Y/n) pushed her, she sees him struggling to get free from a dark substance. Vert then rushes toward (Y/n) and try to grab his hand, but she misses just slightly as he is pulled towards the portal.

(Y/n): Vert!!

After (Y/n) gets pulled through the portal, it closes up and disappears completely. Vert's eyes go wide at what she had seen happened in front of her.

Vert: (Y/n)! No!!

Vert then left the grocery bags on the ground as she begins to rush to the Basilicom to tell the others what happened.

Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Guardian. (HDN X Male Reader) Book 1.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora