"I-I'm not..." She stammered, looking away as she pulled her jacket closer to her body.

"It's nice to finally meet you Yeona! I'm Jungwoo just in case you couldn't recognize me." He smiled brightly at her, moving towards her and held out his hand, waiting for her to greet him.

She grinned, happy to finally meet the one who always had her back, "Hi Jungwoo! Of course I recognized you, I actually recognize all of you." This made everyone relax a bit, not having to go through lengthy introductions. 

"For some reason I was expecting you to be shorter..." Haechan said, eyeing her, "But at least you're taller than Ten."

"Hey she's the same height as me!" He pushed through his friends and stood beside Yeona, "See! We're the same height."

"Nah... She's taller than you, by an inch," Taeil smirked at the sour expression Ten had on his face. He left her side eventually, sulking over to Doyoung.

"Ahh! It's my best friend!" Yeona's eyes widened when a boy with dark coloured hair ran to her, engulfing her in a hug.

"Hi Winwin!" She returned his embrace, laughing at how excited he was to finally see her. He released her from the hug, giving her a huge smile, "Hi Yeona! Someone wants to give you something!"

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow at him, watching him move away from her and towards his friends. Winwin grabbed the boy's arm, who was hiding in the back behind Jungwoo. Pulling him out of the group, he gave him a slight push, making him stand right in front of her.

"Oh, Hi Kun!" He shyly smiled at her, avoiding eye contact from the pretty girl in front of him, "H-Hi." He said, barely coming out as a whisper.

She noticed his arms were behind his back, "Is there something you want to give me?" She asked in a soft voice.

He nodded, hesitating a bit before finding the courage to hold out his arm. Yeona was first surprised but was grinning from ear to ear when she saw the rose presented before her, "Wow, it's beautiful, I love it so much. Thank you, Kun!"

She took the single flower from his hand, taking in the sweet scent of the rose before smiling back at him. He took a peek at her face before looking away, "W-Welcome," he quickly said before scurrying back to his friends, hiding behind Jungwoo once again.

"See I told you she would love it, stop being so shy." Jungwoo whispered to him, patting his shoulder.

Yeona warmly smiled, seeing Kun covering his face with his hands. She wasn't sure why he was being so shy around her, but she found it adorable.

"Well well, looks like we finally meet, Yawna."

Her ears perked up at her unique nickname given by a certain someone. She turned her head to her left, seeing the tall lad with his hair styled up and his attire looking casual yet sharp. His arm hung over Johnny's shoulder, giving her a smug look.

She couldn't help but find his looks astonishing. Just from his pictures alone she knew he was attractive. But seeing him in person almost made her eyes pop out, surprised that someone like him existed outside of an anime.

But it didn't take long for her to remember his personality.

"Tea," Yeona started, rolling her eyes as she pushed away her previous thoughts, "Nice to see you too."

He smirked, pushing his arm off of Johnny's shoulder before making his way towards her. He stood in front of the girl, scanning her up and down. She felt her cheeks heat up, flustered by him checking her out not so secretively.

"Yeah... you're uglier than I thought."

She gasped, hesitantly raising her arm up to hit him, "I could say the same about you, tea leaves."

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