Chapter 8: Execution

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Next morning Weiss waked up not in a ball mood. She was still thinking about her father's words and that made her sad. She got off of her bed and put on her usual armor. White haired walked out of her room into oddly empty hallway. 'Where could everyone be?' she thought and went to dining room. It was also empty. 'What is going on here?!' with that thought she walked out of castle and looked at one of the guards. 'Well at least guards are still here' Weiss walked to the first knight and asked. "Hey, where is everyone?"

"Princess Weiss, you weren't informed?"

"About what exactly?"

"Today is the execution of the last witch in all Remnant" explained second knight."W...Witch?!" said Weiss warred. 'Could it be Ruby?' she thought and asked. "Where is the execution going?!"

"In the central park."

Weiss thanked the guards and started to run down the road.

Meantime in central park. Ruby's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and find myself in the circle of citizens crying 'burn the witch!!'. I tried to move but I was tied up to the wooden pillar also my body was in so much pain. I think that my arms and left hand are broken and I have few cuts on my body. In front of me were four chairs for royal family. Three of them were busy. Weiss was missing. 'That's good' I thought and smiled a little. 'I can't teleport in this condition. My magic isn't really teleportation. I can transform my body into rose petals. And if I do it now there is very little chance to gather my limbs back together. Oh well, guess this is the end for me.'

"Silence!" order king and stood up. "We all gathered here today in order to get rid of a dangerous person!"

'Pfft. Dangerous! Haha! They think I'm going to hurt them' I thought.

"But first" Jacques looked at me. "Tell me your name young lady."

"Ruby, Ruby Rose" I said in low voice. Then added. "Daughter of Summer Rose."

"I see, you do look like her" king sighed. "As the last one of your kind, I'm giving you chances for the last word. Do you wish anything?"

I thought for a second and looked at Winter. "Princess Winter," I said and surprised everyone, "will you please tell someone that I love her?"

"Who is that someone" she answered coldly as always. I swear she's like ice.

"You know her" as I said that my eyes turned bright green for a second.

A shocked expression rose on her face. She understood who I meant and who I was.Weiss probably told her how Red reaper looks like. I smiled sadly. Winter sighed and said. "I will tell her, don't worry."

"Thank you."

Everyone around me once again started to shout 'burn the witch'. A man with torch in his hand started to slowly approach to me. And suddenly a female voice shouted. "STOP!!!"

Third person's POV

Weiss pushed her way thru the crowd and stood right in front of the man with the torch. She was panting and sweat was running down of her forehead.

"Weiss" Ruby said quietly.

Princess walked to her father and said angry. "Father! What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm trying to kip my kingdom safe!"

"Safe from who?! Her?!!" Weiss showed at Ruby with her hand. "Did she done anything bad?!"

"No. Not yet. But she's a witch and she must be burned."

"What if I told you that this 'witch' saved my life!!?" shouted Weiss.

"Princess please" said Ruby and made furious princess to turn and look at her. "Please don't lie in order to save my life."

"L...Lie?! You're kidding me right?!"

Ruby slowly shook her head. Tears started to run down her cheeks. "You dolt" she whispered and only red haired heard her. She smiled slightly.

"Weiss come and sit" ordered the king.

"No" answered princess seriously. "I'm not letting you burn Ruby!"

King sighed and looked at his daughter with sad eyes. "I guess there's no other way then. Guards!"
Two guards walked and grabbed princess' arms. King looked at the man who had the torch. "Continue, Kevin" he said. Men restarted his walk towards Ruby while Weiss was struggling to get out of guards' arms. After few seconds straw under red haired' feet was in flames.
"RUBY!!!" cried Weiss thru tears. "You dunce!! Teleport out of that fire!!! Or you're gonna die!!!"

Although her body was hurting like hell Ruby was able to put a small smile on her face but it was full with sadness and pain. She closed her eyes and flames made her disappear from Weiss' sight. Tars were streamed down her cheeks like waterfalls. As white haired stopped her struggling, king made a sign for guards to let her go. Weiss fell on her knees and covered her face with her hands. "N...No. This can't be happening. She can't be gone" she mumbled.
Since the ceremony of burning the witch was over all the citizens want to do their things. Only people left were Weiss, Winter and some knights that were doing their work of cleaning the mess. Elder girl put her hands on younger once shoulders and gently pulled her into a comforting embrace.

"Shhh" said Winter and rubbed Weiss' back, while she was crying on her shoulder. "Don't cry sis. Everything will be ok."
"R...Ruby's dead. A...And it's my fault!" Weiss sobbed. "I I couldn't protect her!! And now she's gone!" Weiss looked where the fire as only to see Ruby's half burned body and to feel it's disgusting smell. That made her feels worse. "Let's go Weiss" said Winter and lead her to the castle.
On the front gates they sow two guards. "Get away dog!!" said one of them to black-white corgi. "I said get away!!"
Instead of running away dog barked and stood still. The guard was ready to kick him but Weiss interrupted him. "Zwei calm to me boy!" she ordered.
Zwei under surprised looks of guards and Winter ran to Weiss and jumped on her arms. He licked her face which made white haired to laugh. "S...Stop it Zwei" Weiss said laughing. When corgi stopped she looked at guards. "He's with me. Don't worry" she said calmly and walked thru the front gates.
At the ball in the evening.
Weiss walked out of her room in ball dress.
"I see you finally decided to join the ball, Weiss" he said with stoic face.
"Yes father."
"Come with me."
Weiss walked after her father to a boy with blue hair who was wearing a dark red costume. As they walked to him he turned around to face the king. He bowed and said with a smile. "We finally meet Princess."
"Weiss this is your future husband, Neptune Vasilias" introduced Jacques. "I'll leave you two alone" with this words he left.
Neptune lifted Weiss' hand and kissed its beck. Then he noticed princess' bloodshot eyes and asked confused. " Did something happen, princess Weiss?"
"Hum? N...No nothing. I'm ok. And please call me just Weiss" she answered while looking away.
"You don't look ok to me." Suddenly a song started to play and Neptune offered his hand. " Well, maybe a dance will cheer you up?"
"Let's give him a try" said Weiss and put up a fake smile which came out surprisingly real.

A/N. Did you like the chapter? I really enjoyed writing it. The scene of Ruby getting burned was the first one that I thought about when I started to write this story. Bur don't worry this wasn't the last chapter there are still few left ^U^. See ya all in two days, by!!!

Princess and the witchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora