Gotta Stick Together-Caleb Holloway

Start from the beginning

Man, I am whipped.

When we got to the loading dock, I looked around at the disastrous set up of the different deliveries. "I know," Y/N sighed from next to me. "Welcome to my hell."

I looked over at her to see her playfully rolling her eyes. I let out a small laugh as she bit her lip. "Let's do this," I said jokingly pushing up my sleeves.

My action made her throw her head back and laugh. "Well, I'm glad you're excited about this."

"Don't get me wrong," I shrugged, "it'll most definitely suck. But misery loves company." I looked over at her and sent her a playful wink making her cheeks turn pink.

She cleared her throat before gesturing around the room. "My boxes are literally scattered around the room. Good news is there should only be three, maybe four, boxes. They also shouldn't be too heavy. The company we get our supplies from likes to barely pack the boxes so we have to pay more for shipping."

"Greedy corporate bastards," I playfully grumbled. My heart skipped a beat as she laughed.

"Exactly," she nodded. "Anyway, the boxes should have a light blue sticker with our oil rig's medical wing as the receiver."

"Aye aye Captain," I said, sending her a fake salute. I smiled victoriously as she laughed.

She walked over and grabbed a cart from the corner and put it in the middle of the room. I started on one end of the loading dock and she started on the other.

I looked over as she started picking up a box. I quickly jogged over and started to take the box out of her hands. "Oh, I can. . ." She started, but I cut her off.

"I got it," I smiled as she let me take the box.

"Thanks Caleb," she said as she started to walk back to where she had found the box I was holding. I put the box down on the cart and bit my lip before walking back over to her and began following her around the room.

Whenever we found a box, she would reach for it. I would then instantly reach around her and grab it before she could. I sent her a wink before carrying the box and putting it on the cart.

"I really appreciate your help," she said softly as we walked to her office, with me pushing the cart.

"No problem," I shrugged. "Besides, spending time with you is better than fixing pipes with men who smell like they haven't bathed since they got here." I looked over at her and smiled as I saw the redness grow on her cheeks.

"They probably haven't," she said with a small laugh. I smiled at her as she opened the door to her office.

We spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking the boxes. She was currently on the ladder, reaching to put something on the top shelf when alarms started going off.

"What's going on?" She asked looking down at me. I opened my mouth to respond but before I could there was a loud crashing sound and the walls began to shake. I looked up when I heard Y/N gasp as she lost her balance.

I quickly caught her as we fell to the ground. I instinctively covered her as we waited for the shaking to stop. When it finally did, I sat up a little and looked down at her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerning dripping from my voice as I saw the pain across her face. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

"My ankle," she gasped out. I sat up more and looked down to see her ankle twisted in a way that it shouldn't.

"It's going to be okay," I said instantly. "Don't move."

I jumped up and looked around the room. Luckily, Y/N is the medical personal that Mike hired if and when one of us got hurt. I quickly grabbed the needed supplies before jogging back over to her.

"Here," I said as I slowly helped her sit up. I leaned her against the desk but froze when I saw her scared eyes.

"Hey," I whispered reaching up and cupping her cheek. "It's going to be okay. Don't look at your ankle. Look at me."

She nodded as the tears continued to silently stream down her cheeks. I took a deep breath as I quickly and carefully put a splint and a cast on her ankle. I bit my lip when she gasped in pain.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I'm almost done."

I heard her let out a breath as I finished wrapping her ankle. "There," I smiled. I looked back up at her to see she was still looking at me. "We should get out of here," I said unable to look away from her gaze.

I stood up and slowly helped her. She gasped in pain as she tried to take a step forward. She collapsed causing me to instantly catch her. "I got you," I whispered as I wrapped my arms tightly around her.

"Caleb," she said softly. "I can't. . . You should go."

"What?" I said looking down at her.

"You can go and get some help. I'll just slow you down." She said moving to sit down on a nearby chair, but I stopped her.

"I'm not leaving you," I said firmly.

"Caleb," she started to say. I cut her off by grabbing her face and pressing my lips to hers.

"Like I said," I pulled away, breathlessly. "I'm not leaving you. We gotta stick together if we're gonna make it out of this."

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