"Hey" Grayson said with a smile.

"Hi" I said back.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yup" I said with a Cheesy smile.

"Okay" Grayson said with a chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked with a little laugh.

"I don't know. I just think that it's cute that you're this happy for coffee" he said with a smile.

"You know I love coffee. I'll always be excited" I said with a laugh.

"So, where are we getting coffee?" I asked while he opened the door for me.

He walked around the car and got in himself.

"I was thinking about the cafe that's down the street" he said while turning the car on.

"I love that place. I haven't been there for years" I said.

"I remember you loving that cafe" he said looking at me.

I smiled at him and looked out the window while he drove to the cafe.


"So, what's new with life?" I asked.

"Nothing much really. Ethan actually got engaged last week" he said and took a bite out of his muffin he got.

"Wow, that's great for him!" I exclaimed. "Who is he marrying?" I asked.

"Emma" he simply said.

"They're still together?" I asked shocked.

"Yup" he said popping the 'p'.

"Good for him" I said with a smile.

I'm happy for him

"What about you? What's new?" He asked.

"Well, I finished college and I work at a hospital as a nurse" I said.

"That's awesome. I remember you telling me that you've always wanted to help people" he said.

"Yah, it's been my dream and now I am" I said.

"I'm proud of you Chloe" he said.

"Thank you" I said looking down trying to hide my blush.

My phone started to ring and I looked at the caller ID.


"I have to take this, sorry" I said and got up.

"Hello?" I said through the phone.

"Hey, who's Grayson?" He asked right away.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Just answer the question please" He spats with a sigh.

"Alright Alright, he's an old friend of mine back home, why do you want to know?" I asked confused.

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