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        An excruciatingly loud screech suddenly erupted throughout the silent house, waking up the sleeping

brunette instantaneously. He instinctively cupped his hands over his ears in attempt to block out the aggravating sound and groaned in annoyance. He lazily got out of bed, grumbling over the idea of leaving the comforts of his cozy bed because of another stupid siren for something that wouldn't even happen. Frustrated, Cry made his way over to the window. He sleepily pulled back his navy blue curtains to reveal a clear, starry night sky. This confused the boy because the weather was perfect so what was the siren going off for? There wasn't a hurricane or anything.

    Just as if on cue, he heard a large slam come from beyond his room, followed by the rambunctious voice of his grumpy sister: “What the hell is going on!” A sequence of stomps came next, each thud shaking the very building as she stomped past his room and down the hallway. Cry rolled his eyes at this; not only would he have to deal with his own deprivation of sleep and this deafening screech, but also his crabby sister. Groaning once more, the boy scanned over the room, only to see his younger brother still snuggled into his covers. The peaceful rising and falling of his chest, along with his relaxed figure proved that the boy was indeed asleep.

Damn, someone’s a heavy sleepy.

Despite his moment of jealousy, Cry took no further delay and walked over to his brother's bed. He figure that this was possibly a stupid drill, but in-case it turned out to be a real emergency it would be best for his brother to be awake. Cry shook his brother roughly, figuring it was necessary to wake him from his clearly deep slumber. Once his brother began stirring, he shook him a bit more and shouted his name, although there was a possibility that he wouldn't have heard it over the roaring siren.

    "Hey, sleepyhead!" Cry shouted as his brother flung forward within his sheets, and luckily Cry had moved out of the way before their skulls collided. His brother mumbled back an inaudible reply as he rubbed his eyes with a balled fist. Cry shook his head and grabbed his brother's wrist, pulling him out of bed. The squinting boy landed on the floor with a thump, to which he responded with what seemed like a series of grumbles. Cry stifled a laugh and helped him up to his feet. Just then, their mother busted through the door, causing the children to turn towards her.

    "Thank god." She mouthed, holding a hand atop of her heart at the sight of her boys being awake. "Come on, get to the shelter, now!" She screamed with all her might, but it was almost drowned out by the siren. Cry managed to catch the faint order and quickly grabbed of the larger hand his mother had held out for him. Just then, the siren seemed to enter a new frequency, and Cry was bewildered by his mother's abrupt panic. He barely managed to grab hold of his brother’s pajama sleeve and tugged him along as his mother yanked him out of the room. She ran so quickly that as she round the corner towards the stairwell the boys were whipped around like rag-dolls in a zigzag pattern. Upon reaching the stairwell, his mother hesitated before trudging down the stairs, her feet almost slipping on each step. Fear of tripping and tumbling to their death ate away at the brunettes like acid as they were dragged behind their mother. Once the trio had reached the bottom floor, there eyes widened significantly at the enormous amount of people running all over. Those who weren't sprinting all over the place were scurrying out the door, trying to beat the pack. In other words, the entire floor was in chaos. Their mother continued to pull them along, quickly joining in the wave of people flooding out of the main doors.


    A flash of light seemed to burst off in the distance, brightening up the early morning sky, followed by a fiery explosion that swept up high clouds of soil and debris. Immediately after, the ground beneath their feet began to rumble. The lights flickered momentarily as objects were shaken in place, some getting knocked off of surfaces and hitting the ground with a shattering effect.

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