Hannah stopped as she reached the table for Hudson University, a small smile on her face as she picked up a flyer for her and Rory.

"Ready to begin your future?" The lady at the table asked as she noticed Hannah and Rory flicking through the leaflets.

"I don't think we really have a choice." The brunette laughed slightly as she tucked her hair behind her ears. "How's your financial aid?"

Rory's ears perked up as she heard Hannah's question. Her friend had never told her that she was struggling for money, or maybe she had and hadn't taken it seriously because everyone knew the Price's were swimming in cash.

"How's your GPA?" The lady answered.

Hannah bit her lip. "Could be better." She muttered.

"What about you?" The woman asked again, this time directing it towards the blonde girl who was twiddling her ringlets around her finger.

"Oh." Rory said when she realised she was asking her. "3.2." She answered, earning a confused look from the girl beside her.

"PSAT? ACT?" The woman asked again. Hannah stuttered for a minute before the lady recognised what she was trying to tell her. "You haven't taken your PSAT yet?"

"No." Hannah shook her head.

"Interesting." She sighed. Rory pulled a face at how obnoxious she was being towards her curious friend. "Well, I can tell you, our financial aid tends to go to people at the top of their class."

"Thanks." Rory blurted as she pulled her companion away from the Hudson stall and into the less crowded centre of the gym.

"Why did you lie?" She asked her blonde friend as she wandered over to another stall. "Why did you tell her your GPA was 3.2?"

"Oh, I forgot what it actually was so I just said Zach's." Rory shrugged as she smiled over at her friend across the hall. Hannah was extremely confused at why she could remember her ex-boyfriend's current GPA but not her own, but thought nothing of it, as Rory was quite the confusing person.

The two girls, led by Hannah, arrived at another stall, the table piled with antique books that had a pungent smell Rory wasn't fond of.

"What future are you peddling?" Rory asked as she traced her finger along the dusty books and grimaced as her finger turned grey.

"I'll let you take the first guess." The man muttered as he lowered the book from his face. He appeared to be a lot younger than the two had originally thought, with a thick black beard that was neatly groomed.

"Hoarder?" Hannah asked as she joked around with Rory.

"Close." The black haired man laughed, "Librarian." He answered for the girls.

"No way you're a librarian." Hannah chuckled as she walked closer over to his seat.

"I know." He muttered. "When people hear the term 'librarian', they think 60-year-old white-haired woman with cankles." He laughed to himself.

"A brogue-wearing 26-year-old black-haired man with an awful sense of style; they're not far off." Rory grinned sarcastically, eating a playful shove from her friend.

"We're rebranding." He mumbled, focussing his gaze on Hannah instead.

"No offence, but isn't it, like, a dying industry?" She asked politely, a complete contrast to how the blonde had spoken previously. "You know, like travel agencies and cupcake stores?"

"Let me guess; you own a Kindle." He stated.

"She would never." Rory butted in, raising her eyebrows and pursing her cherry-red lips at the suggestion.

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