Annabeth 2

427 12 0

I sit at my desk on my laptop looking at museum websites in the area. Percy wants to take me to one but he doesn't know much so he asked ME to do research for something he's doing for ME.

A hand is placed on my shoulder and out of the corner of my eye I can see Percy's tattoos on his hand, the black ink matching his hair.

(Percy and I finished senior year and he doesn't want to go to college. I even told him I could go to a college, we live in an apartment and I go to that college while he takes online courses. He's still 'thinking' about this idea.)

I want to look at some architecture before I study it in my college class. Apparently the teacher is really strict so it would be nice to be prepared.

"Any ideas?"

I look up at him. "Maybe if you helped me."

He pulls out a chair on wheels and takes my laptop. He types a few things in and is silent for a few minutes. Finally he speaks up. "Get in the car. I found one."

I get on some nice clothing and choose an outfit for Percy considering what he chose to wear today.


4 hours later

We get back from the museum. Turns out, Percy found one of my favorite museums that had a Groupon for a special tour.

When we were driving home from the museum Percy had ordered pizza and 5 minutes after we got home, it was there.

Before eating, I slid on the same outfit I had been wearing earlier. Percy had his Nike shorts on. No shirt. Just his shorts. I mean, I had no problem with that. It gave me an excuse to look at all his tattoos as well as his abs. After pizza, we climbed into bed and watched a movie. I fell asleep halfway through because 1: it was World War Z and 2: Percy had his arm wrapped around me. I dreamt if all the things I could accomplish being and Architect. Then my dream switch to a nightmare.

I was awoken with a start. I was sobbing and was drenched in my own sweat. The dream had been about loosing Percy. I occasionally got these when he was upset. It kinda helps our relationship. He was clearly upset because he held me closer and a tear landed on my cheek.

Poor Percy.

I sat up and he looked at me in the eyes. "I had one tonight too."

He had a nightmare about loosing me.

For the rest of the night we held each other close and eventually fell asleep around 3 AM.

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