Chapter 20: Kimberley

Start from the beginning

                I walk through the halls and people seem to make pathways for me.  Even Drake moves to one side as I walk pass him.  I try to grin nicely and wave a little at some people, but they just turn their heads or walk away. 

                I take my seat in biology and lay my head down on my arms.  God, if you ever have a favor for me, use it now and kill me.  Put me out of my misery.  I could just kill myself, I have a knife in my backpack.  I understand now to keep my “special” belongings in there.  Yep, I could take it to the bathroom, and just stab myself.  Wouldn’t that be easier? 

                I grit my teeth and close my eyes.  I scrunch my eyebrows and clutch my hands into fists.  “No,” I say to myself, “Never, I could never do that.”  Suicide, take my life?  I will never be one of those people.  I’m strong.   I remember a saying Logan once told me.  When you’re going through Hell . . . keep going.  God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. 

                I hear someone sit next me and prop my head up from my desk.  Drake.  He doesn’t even turn his head.  He sits straight looking at the board.  Out of all the people in this classroom he had to be the one to sit next to me.  I sigh not wanting to talk to him either.  I pull out my book from my bag and open to the correct page. 

                “How’d you do it?”  I stop flipping through the pages and turn my head.  Drake is facing me and had a curious look on his face.

                “What?”  I whisper back at him, not wanting to talk.                                                                                       

                “A person our age couldn’t take down two full officers.  How’d you do it?”  I shrug looking back at my book, also thinking of an answer to his question. 

                “I-I work out, y’know.  Yeah, I leave from school and go work out at the gym.”  Good enough lie to stump him.  He nods once then turns back up to the front of the room.  I realize the second I turn away from him that’s the first time we talked and didn’t make a smart compliment to each other.  Weird.

                At the end of the day I walk to the detention room, which today it’s in the library.  Sadly for me, I had no homework so I had no excuses to not sit and do nothing.  I grumble and slouch in my chair at one of the tables.  Only three other people had detention besides me.  I remember three days where it was just me.  After I was done with my homework the person who was watching me told me I could leave early.  I think her name was Mrs. Case.  I could tell she didn’t want to be there as much I did.

                Today Mr. Lew was watching us.  He is much older than Mrs. Case.  She is probably in her early or middle thirties while Mr. Lew was well into his sixties or seventies.  I always wonder when I’m in his class, English, when he will retire.  He’s not even married.

                My eyes shift over to the clock above the doorway entrance to the library.  2:25. I moan, I’ve only been in this place for ten minutes and I’m already board.  I turn my head back to Mr. Lew who is reading his book intensively.  I grin and lie my head down on the desk.  He won’t mind if I take a nap, right?  As soon as I close my eyes and drift off into sleep a nightmare shortly follows.

                I’m standing in a clearing.  Its dark, only the full moon is in the sky, lighting up the snow on the ground.  Everything seems so peaceful, so beautiful.  That is until the Unions come out from the trees with guns, all pointing at me.  They were in a circle creeping in closer and closer to me.  I reach for a weapon of my own, but I have nothing.  Suddenly I’m terrified.  I want anyone, anything to help me fight back.  But instead I put up my hands showing I surrender.  They didn’t seem to care. 

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