Beginne am Anfang

"That means the mundane must be so fucking close to us right now." I muttered as I peered over the edge of the railing, groaning as a I saw a mound of dirt with a hole inside. "This does not look fucking good and I don't want the mundane anywhere near me now."

"Come on, Ari." Clary sighed as she grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the railings. We continued to walk down the stairs, my blade held tightly in my hand while Izzy held her whip and Clary held her Dual Kindjals. We continued to walk through the building, peering around for the mundane while I activated my blade, watching as the runes glowed red.

I walked down the creepy isle, the silence almost deafening me as I heard something move behind me. "Looking for something?" I turned around and gasped slightly. The man was breathing heavily as he stalked towards the girls and I.

"We know you're thirsty." Clary spoke up, holding her blades out in front of her. "We're not here to hurt you."

The man who's name I believed to be, Leo, still stalked towards us, almost snarling. "Where is the vampire that killed you?" Isabelle asked in a bored tone, which only made him laugh.

"Stay back!" I demanded, stepping in front of Izzy and Clary, not wanting them to get hurt. "We don't want to hurt you, so for the love of all things extremely deathly, take us to your bloody sire.....pun intended."

"Not a chance." He growled as he charged towards us which made Isabelle lash out her whip and swing it towards him, slashing him across the chest. He hissed in pain and staggered backwards.

I smirked as he charged towards Clary and I. I looked at the redhead and pushed her back before kicking Leo's arm away, giving Isabelle the leverage of wrapping her whip around it, strongly pulling him into some old withering shelving that broke upon his landing.

He quickly stood up and began to fight Izzy, I gasped as she fell to the floor, making my anger spark as I charged towards him. "Go check on Izzy." I yelled at Clary as I slashed my blade across the Vampires chest, listening as he hissed out in pain.

I went to slash him again before he grabbed my arm and pulled me around, my back hitting his stomach as he tightened his grip on me, barring his fangs. "Ari!" Clary yelled as he advanced towards my neck. I felt my eyes glow gold as I activated my strength rune, pulling my hand free as I swung it upwards, pushing my blade through his skull before he turned into ash, releasing me from his grip.

"Suck a bag of dicks." I muttered down to his ashes while putting my blade back into my holster. "That fucking dick really hurt my wrists." I frowned, rubbing at them.

"Nicely done." Isabelle chuckled, walking over to give me a hug. "It's fun to see my Parababe, kicking some ass."

"Well, it's what I do." I breathed out before pulling out of the hug, smiling at her. Clary opened her mouth to say something before a loud scream broke through the silence. "It's coming from the roof." I stated, gesturing for Clary and Izzy to follow as I started to run towards the screaming.

As I reached the top, a door blocked my way as I tried to open it but it would not budge. "Stand back!" I demanded as the screaming grew louder. "It's Raphael." Izzy stated in panic as she and Clary stepped back. My eyes widened with panic as I threw myself at the door, watching as it gave way and opened.

"Raphael!" I gasped as I ran over to him, Isabelle and Clary following. I fell onto my knees and took his head onto my lap as Clary used her runes to pull the shackles away from him. "Help me stand him up." I said, looking at Izzy as she placed his left arm over her shoulder as I did the same with his right. The both of us pulling him into the shadows.

Fire Meets Fate (Jace Wayland// Book 3) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt