We found Chris on the outside of the store opening the soda machine with a key he found inside. I chuckled and took a few cans of the different flavors and stuffed them into my backpack for later. I took a root beer out of the now almost empty machine. We closed the back and got in driven off to another place.

We stopped at a few small stores like this until we hit the jackpot. A Bass Pro Shop. Chris radioed our coordinates in to the base. We got out parking the trucks as close as we could could to the building. I got my flashlight out of my backpack and went inside. The first thing we saw TENTS and SLEEPING BAGS We needed tents and sleeping bags since we were living out in the woods. We grabbed a few of the tents and sleeping bags and brought them outside. I reorganized the bed of the truck, moving some of the cartons of supplies to the back of the cab. We went back inside to explore. We got a few fishing rods, with plenty of lures, and the supplies for the rod, some tools, and other random stuff. Chris went exploring by himself, while Mitch and I explored the back storage rooms.

I was exploring around using my flashlight, looking at the packages of various thing and trying to read what they were through the thick wrapping of plastic that surrounded it. Mitch was off looking at the other side of the room, seeing if the wares we usable. I climbed onto a box, because I was going to see what was in its neighboring box. I pulled out my pocket knife and opened it, slicing the other box open.

I looked in and was slightly disappointed of the disappointing insides. I hopped off the box and continued my boring job. A tap an my shoulder scared me to death, I screamed and turned around ready to strike. There stood a Mitch laughing his ass off.

"You are an asshole Mitch!" I yelled while I start to cry. "Don't do that again!"

I crossed my arms and slid down the side of the box. I wiped the tears away as Mitch bent down and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled into my hair. "I won't do it again."

"ZOE!" Chris yelled. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

"I'm in here!" I yelled back.

Chris rushed in holding his backpack. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Mitch was being an asshole and scared me." I replied with a shaky voice. "I think we should go soon to the other places now the other are here. And I know something that we have to get."

They nodded their heads and we walked out to the truck, on the way out we all grabbed a couple more of the tents. There was other people inside collecting the tents. We put the tents in the back, making sure that everything was down. We climbed in and I told Mitch to go to the Lowes that we passed on the way. When we got there I told the to stay in the car because it would only take me about five minutes.

I got out and jogged to the entrance. I grabbed a basket from the rack and walked back to the garden center. I found the seed rack and grabbed entire stacks of the seeds. I grabbed carrots, corn, potatoes, squash, zucchini, garlic, watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, and some others. I looked around seeing if there was anything else that I needed. When I didn't see any I walked to the front, walked out of the door, and got in the truck.

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. We've have had a long day even thought it isn't over yet. Mitch started to drive off, stoping every once in a while to examine the building. We got out a few times and loaded up most of the goods of the place that included water bottles, canned food, and other knickknacks. At a few of the stores I saw Chris stuff some candy bars into his backpack. I smiled.

When it was dusk we headed back to the base, hauling our giant load. When we got out of the truck we only brought in our backpack which had special little things that we found. People were pulling in as we walked into the grand hallway. We walked up the stairs to our room and set our full packs down. We jogged down the cramped staircase, when we got to the bottom we speed walked to the vast auditorium. Inside an argument seemed to be brewing.

"What if we don't want to go and live in the wild!"

"I don't want to!"

"I want to stay here!"

Everyone was yelling their own opinion and everything. I couldn't see who was in the center getting argued too, but I was going to find out and stop that matter. I climbed up the side of the stage and stood up about the buzzing crowd.

"Hey!" I yelled. There was no reaction. My outburst was just another one not being heard.

"STOOOP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Everyone went quiet and looked up at me.

"You can't all get what you want! Leaving is the best option! Fighting like children won't help anyone! If Baxter said we are leaving, guess what?!? We are leaving! Do you want to stay here in the city with the dead! Or go into the wild were we can start a new life! I don't want to go, but I know that it is the right thing to do! We will make a new home in the wild!" I yelled.

I looked out into the sea of people.

"Zoe's right!" Agreed a voice. I found the owner, it was Baxter. "If you stay in the city you will die! But if you come with us," he said gesturing to me. "You can have a second chance in the wild. For say, a new start. A fresh slate." He climbed onto the stage, coming to stand next to me. "Come with us and we will make a new life." He squeezed my hand.

"How about we stay here for a few days, rest up, get more supplies, and get organized and then leave!" Someone piped up from the crowd.

Baxter looked at me. I whispered into his ear, "That would be a good plan, they would come. Rest and more supplies would be nice."

"Okay! We will stay for another couple of days. We will have another day to go look for supplies. We will leave in three days. Tomorrow bring your supplies inside so they can be sorted and then loaded into the vehicles on the day we leave. Now goodnight!" Baxter replied.

The people murmured and slowly walked away to their own little corners to sleep. Baxter cleared his throat and I looked up into his crystal blue eyes.

"Thanks." He said. "Thank you for speaking up. They listen to you, ya know. You have leader blood in you." He paused and looked up thinking. "Will you help me? Help me lead?"

"Sure. I guess." I replied.

"You should get some sleep. We will talk about the plan in the morning. " He commanded.

I nodded me head and jumped off the stage. I climbed up the employees only door and skipped the steps up. Mitch and Chris were already in there. I went over to my backpack and pulled out a soda and some crackers. I ate and drank quickly. Pulled off my long sleeve shirt and just wore my undershirt and pants. I put my shirt in my bag and pulled off my shoes. I laid down and quickly went to sleep.


Hilo. So... Is it making sense? If you have any question leave a comment or message me. I will try to straighten it out and make it make more sense. Have a awesome day!

🐢 turtle.

There is something wrong with me.

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