Nothing Left Of Me

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The investigation into the fire took several weeks. It was definitely arson and the police didn't really have any evidence connecting anyone to the crime. I knew it was Ruby and I think that they did too, they just couldn't prove it. She left the country once she was eliminated as a suspect due to lack of evidence. I didn't expect to hear from her ever again.

Selena and I had never been more far apart than we were now. It was impossible for us to have a conversation without it breaking down into an argument. I stopped coming around to spare myself the heartache. I'd been living in a Hotel for months.

When I finally came to terms with the fact that there wasn't anything left for me here, I was ready to move on. I couldn't stand seeing Selena like this. It killed me. The light in her eyes was gone and I didn't think it would ever be back. She was just going through the motions. I hurt her unexpectedly and I wasn't sure if she'd ever recover.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he stared at the waves. "Do you think it will help?"

"Yeah." I said clearing my throat. "I can't be here anymore. I can't see her like this."

"She needs you Demi."

"No she doesn't." I said shaking my head. "She needs to heal and come to terms with losing Payton and I'm only getting in the way."

"She can't do that without you."

"I'm nothing more than a reminder of the worst kind of betrayal. I'm getting in the way."


"I've made up my mind. I love her too much to hurt her like this. I've done enough damage. I'm gonna do the right thing and walk away. I want her to get her life back on track...even if I'm not a part of it." I said softly.

"I'll look after her."

"I know you will."

I spent the rest of the evening watching the waves roll into the sandy shore. If it took the rest of my life, I'd find some way to make this up to her. I lost myself control for just a single moment and I destroyed the foundation that our entire relationship was built on. Trust.

I glanced back toward the house I used to call my home. I was surprised when I saw her walking toward me. It had been almost two weeks since we'd last spoke to another. She looked thin and exhausted.

"You're leaving." She said it very matter of fact.

"I am." I said slowly.

"Why?" She questioned softly.

"I don't want to fight anymore Selena. I just cant."

"Is it ok if I sit?" She asked.

"Yes." I answered with a nod.

"I don't know what to do." She said, breaking the painful silence. "I can't look at you without feeling betrayed."

"I'll do anything..."

"It's not that simple. I was going through something painful." She said as she took a deep breath. "I know it was hard for you too, but you were supposed to be there. You were supposed to wait for me to be ready. I couldn't process losing our daughter." Her voice cracked as she fought against the tears. "You were supposed to my be rock and you just...weren't."

"I doubt it makes a difference but I'm sorry Selena. I am very sorry." I said making eye contact.

I wanted to reach for her but I knew that was a selfish desire and I had no right. She wasn't mine to touch, not anymore.

"I know." She smiled sadly. "It's just not enough."

"Are we ever going to get past this?"

"I'm sure eventually we will....just not together."

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