Give Me Love

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Chapter Eight

The rest of the week flew by. When I wasn't at work I was with Gracie or Selena. She had spent some more time with Nick and as irritating as it was, he seemed to make her happy. I was ok with that. I wasn't quite sure what they had going on, but as long as he treated her well I would never interfere.

Fridays were always a bit hectic for me. Payroll had to be finalized and we had to set up for a show. I ignored Selena most of the day and I could tell she was a little annoyed with me. When the doorbell rang I opened the door to find Nick on the other side. Normally I'd be happy to see him, but his presence in my life had become irritating as of late. He was creeping on my girl and I did not find it very cute. He smiled as he stood there awkwardly holding a large box.

"Hey!" He said cheerfully. "Sel home?"

"Yup." I said as I left the door opened and walked away.

Selena glared at me as she came down the hallway. "You could've helped him." She muttered as she passed by me.

"I'm sure you can handle it. Aren't large packages your thing? Wait, maybe it's small ones...I can't really remember." I said sarcastically.

"You're an asshole." She said frowning. "Hey Nick!" She said as she reached the door.

I rolled my eyes as I slammed my bedroom door and collapsed face first on my bed. I was acting childish and I needed to stop. Jealousy was ugly and I needed to practice what I preached. Once I was able to calm myself down, I finished getting ready and left the house. I had work to get done at the bar.

I was sitting at the bar counter when I heard the front door chime go off indicating someone had walked in. I turned around to inform whoever it was that we were still closed but stopped when I realized it was just Selena.

"Will you stop thinking I'm dating Nick." She said as she walked toward me.

"Hi. It's nice to see you." I said trying to brace myself for whatever was about to happen.

"Demi. I'm serious. Stop. There's nothing going on between Nick and I. He was helping with me something and I'm starting to rethink the whole thing now because you've been acting like a three old that doesn't know how to share." She grinned.

"What are you talking about?" I fumbled.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You are so standoffish with him, he's afraid to come to the house!" She said raising an eyebrow.

I let out a long sigh. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me. I'm just stressed or something."

"Stressed?" She questioned "About what? Losing me?"

"Maybe...." I trailed off.

She smiled and placed both of her hands on my shoulders. "Demi. Listen to me. You'll never lose me. I promise. No matter what I'm forever your girl." She smiled as I leaned my forehead against hers.

"My girl?" I asked as I pulled away and raised an eye brow.

"Yes." She laughed. "Your girl."

"What does that even mean?" I asked.

"That's completely up to you." She said softly. "Now, are you done being a baby?" She asked. "I have something for you that Nick helped with." She said sounding excited.

"Are you trying to distract me with gifts?" I asked pretending to be unamused.

"Umm, maybe." She said quickly. "Wait right here. I'll be right back."

I watched as she walked outside. After a few moments she returned with Nick and he was once again carrying the large box he had brought to the house earlier. This time however, it was wrapped in Ted wrapping paper with a large black bow attached to it.

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