Chapter 5

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Before they headed out, Roman had to fix something that he's been ignoring ever since he got back: his injuries.
   His face was still scattered with cuts, and he had a shiner right underneath his left eye. Trickles of dried blood laid underneath his nose and stopped just before it hit his lip. Oh Fairy-Godmother, he felt like such an idiot.
  Slowly, the Prince got to work. He cleaned each scrape and cut, then bandaged the worst one, which was a gash across his right temple.
Once he was finished, he took a good long look at himself in the mirror. How could I have let this happen, he thought. My faults have caused one of my best friends to suffer while I walk out with nothing else but mere scratches! Why must Virgil pay for my mistakes?!
Before he knew what he was doing, Roman ripped around and punched the wall with such fury, it caused a dent.
"Roman!" a voice cried from his doorway. He heard footsteps rushing his way and felt arms wrap around him, enveloping him in a hug. Patton.
Roman felt sobs start to escape him. He buried his head into Patton's shoulder, feeling Patton's fingers gently run through his hair.
It's all my fault.
"No it isn't kiddo," Patton replied. Roman hadn't realize he has spoken his thoughts out loud. "None of us feel that way. What's done is done. Now all we can do is look forward. And in order to do that, we must move forward."
Roman lifted his head, his eyes meeting Patton's.
"You know, dad, you are as wise as a great king."
Roman let go of the fatherly side, wiping his tears with his sleeves.
"Are you alright, kiddo?" Patton gingerly asked.
Roman took a deep breath and stood as straight as he possibly could. "I'm fine. Right now our focus should be on the Emo Nightmare." He plastered on his confident smirk, knowing that no matter what, the three sides will do anything to help a member of their family.
A knock on his door caught their attention as they both turned to see the logical side, standing in the doorway. His normally perfectly combed hair was disheveled, as if he had run his hand in his hair dozens of times. His eyes carried a thin layer of fading eyeshadow underneath, showing the amount of time he's spent in the anxious side's room, monitoring him.
"How is he?" Roman questioned.
"His condition has worsened minutely. He hasn't been able to take a steady breath in over five minutes. I'm surprised he hasn't passed out from hyperventilation. He is also currently experiencing sensory overload. I have turned of his lights to prevent any distress they may cause," Logan explained.
"Is he okay being near you? Do we still scare him?" Patton asked.
"Other than his extremely sensitive senses, I believe he is completely unaware of everything else happening around him. He does not seem to know that I was monitoring him. Now, I must ask you, Roman, how you wish to proceed. No one knows the Dragon Witch quite like you do."
Roman thought this over. Of course, he needed the Dragon Witch to remove the curse, but letting her into the mindscape could lead to disastrous consequences. She could destroy everything! However, the only way for her to rid the spell is for her to cast a reversal on Virgil, meaning the two need to be together.
"We may have to take Virgil back into the Imagination," the prince concluded.
"May I remind you," Logan intervened, "that Virgil is currently experiencing sensory overload! Any form of contact with him can cause him to lash out in a frenzy of panic!"
"And may I remind you that Vigil is getting worse and worse by the second!" Roman snapped. "We are taking him to the Dragon Witch and we will force her to dispel the curse!"
"And if she won't?" Logan questioned.
Roman reached for his sword and slid it dangerously down the sheath on his back.
"She will."

The Curse of Virgil SandersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang