Epic Rap Battles of Nordics [2]

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This chapter contains swearing!!!

Y/N = your name
F/C = favorite color
H/C = hair color

Name key:
Finland = Tino Väinämöinen/Isä
Sweden = Berwald Oxenstierna/Äldste
Iceland = Emil Steilsson/Emi
Norway =  Lukas Bondevik/Big Brother
Denmark = Mathias Køhler
Sealand = Peter Kirkland
Prussia = Gilbert Beilschmidt
Spain = Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Norway vs Finland

Y/n's POV
Suddenly, the lights went out, and a spot light lit up and pointed towards Peter, Gilbert, and another male; the other male had messy, light brown hair, tanned skin, a cheery smile, and beautiful bright green eyes. "Alright, everyone!! This is the moment we've all been waiting for!!" Peter shouted into the mic, grabbing everyone's attention. "It's time for the 'EPIC RAP BATTLES OF NORDICS!!!'" him and Gilbert shouted in unison. The crowd started to cheer and shout; many were excited, but I could see a few people were annoyed.

Peter pointed towards someone, and a spot light appeared above them, "LUKAS BONDEVIK!! VS!!" Gilbert then took the mic and pointed to someone beside me, "TINO VÄINÄMÖNINEN!!!". Both Isä and Big brother stood up and walked onto the open area of the house, and the other guy stood up and shouted "Begin!!" I could hear a thick Spanish accent lacing in his voice. Big brother grabbed his mic first and started to rap, and I didn't think he'd be that good, but he just shot my expectations to oblivion.


Sorry to burst your bubble,

But I mean to give you trouble.

It's kinda hard to think

That a strong man like you

Would end up liking pink.

But come on Feliks exist

So there really is no risk!

I don't mean to offend,

But to me you're no friend.

We often get in fights

But come on, we all have rights!

I often ask Ber how he really feels,

But his face turns pale, and

to be honest

I don't think your relationship is real....

Ïsa looked really offended by that small statement about him and Äldste's relationship, and he did not like the fact that Big Brother brought up the fact that he often wears pink at home. Ïsa took a deep breath, and slightly calmed himself down, but only looked at Big Brother with a deep and sinister glare.


I hate to bring this up,

But can you shut the hell up?

I honestly don't know why

you always make a fuss

I can't see the reason you'd be

tell me to hush!

When will you understand

That I don't give a sh*t?

and to be frank,

Your rapping's kinda bland,

So please don't be offended if I get the upper hand!

I don't get why Mathias likes you

if all you do is choke him,

But I believe it's some kind of kink,

So to him, it's a win!

Äldste covered Peter and my ears when Ïsa cursed; Mathias looked very offended by the comment about getting choked, but Emi snorted, holding back a laugh. Gilbert started to laugh like crazy, and his laugh was kinda unique. I look back at Big Brother who had a calm demeanor, but I could sense the anger from him.

The crowd was 'ooh'ing and 'awe'ing over Ïsa's roasts, but Äldste seemed very proud. The music stopped, and Gilbert stood up on a table, "Who won!? You decide!!" He shouted. The crowd started to shout their answers, but I can hear Alfred's voice above everyone else's.

"I vote for..."

It's your choice, reader~!

Sorry, I haven't done this chapter in a long time. I gave up on this chapter, so the rap battle was short. Thanks for being patient with me, and sorry to disappoint, but my brain died, so....

Anyway, vote who you believe won!!!

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