Just Listen ~ Chapter 12

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Harry said something as I saw his lips move and his breath tickle my nose as he looked down at me, smiling that cocky smile of his whenever he had a girl under his charm. "Harmony." I finally caught what his mouth was saying as I moved out of my trance. I arched an eyebrow in response as he smiled, "You okay?"

"Fine," I felt my throat vibrate as I moved back slightly from the close proximity of our bodies. I was use to being close to Harry, it felt almost natural now, but after what Olivia put in my head I was heating up like a firework.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as I moved away, "Something is wrong. You've been avoided since the airport, you haven't even given me a proper kiss." Harry replied as I rolled my eyes.

'What are you talking about? I gave you a kiss when I got out of the car.' I replied with a smile as Harry glared at me.

"Have I told you I'm not a fan of kisses on the cheek?" Harry asked as I shook my head, "Well I'm not. So what is up?"

'Nothing, I'm just jet lagged from the flight.' 

"It was only a four hour flight." Harry replied as he stepped closer to me. He grinned as he noticed the redness crawl up from my neck. "So Olivia was right."

'Right? What did she tell you!?' I signed quickly before I grabbed the front of his shirt staring up at those green eyes, that seemed to read everything that was on my mind. Harry smirked.

"You're scared to have sex."

My face ignited like wildfire, 'I'm not scared! I'm responsible! And who cares if I'm scare? I am perfectly capable of showing my feelings without the need of sexual intercourse. Plus sex isn't the base of a relationship! And I don't believe you've mentioned you've wanted to have sex yet and anyways sex is sex. It's not some physiological meaning on life! I'm not scared. I've done it before, sure not with you or anything, but I've done it and it's fine and well it's fun but that doesn't mean it's everything in a relationship! And anyways how am I suppose to know how it feels to have sex with a hearing guy? The last guy told me I was stiff, not that it still wasn't fun or anything--'

I felt someone's hands over my rapidly moving hands as I looked up to see Harry laughing at me, he looked like he was having a grand ole time, "Harmony," he moved his lips--at least tried to in-between the fits of laughter, "Harmony. Calm down. I caught maybe half of that."

I felt my shoulders sag again as I stared up at Harry firmly, "I'm not scared of sex, but I don't want it to be everything in a relationship."

Harry smirked down at me before I felt his lips on mine. The same warm bubbling feeling I get whenever I kissed Harry exploded in my stomach as I kissed him back before he removed his lips from mine. However, never once leaving his proximity to mine as he pressed his forehead against mine, I stifled a laugh as his brown locks tickled my ear. "We don't need to rush anything Harmony, I'm overjoyed with just snogging." Harry replied as I quirked up an eyebrow at the English lingo. Harry laughed as I felt his breath against my nose again, "I mean making out."

I grinned up at him as I swung my arms around Harry's neck, "You really know how to make a girl weak at the knees Styles." 

Just Listen (One Direction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora