Part 8

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"Are you serious?" Reidy asked, absolutely thrilled that I had offered to house him. He was the first person who I had told, as he and I were pretty close. I laughed as I replied, "Yeah, Reidy, I'm serious. I heard that you and a couple of the other boys were looking for housing, and with Liam leaving for Perth, I don't want to be living in that house alone. I figured it would be perfect."

Reidy was beaming as he screamed, "Yes! Ah Charlie, I'm so stoked!" I laughed as Deano watched the scene unfold in the Tower. Deano smiled and said, "I told you." Reidy excitedly exclaimed, "We have to have all the boys over to help us move in - who else is moving in?" I couldn't help but smile at Reidy's excitement as I answered, "I still have to offer it to Gonzo, and I was going to offer a room to the trainee who's coming from New Zealand."

Reidy was absolutely ecstatic, and as he switched out patrol with Hoppo, Gonzo entered the Tower to switch service with Deano. Before leaving, Deano turned to Gonz and said, "I think Charlie has to say something that might make you smile." With that, Gonzo and Hoppo took the seats opposite me, and Deano left the Tower.

"Gonz, Deano told me you're looking for a place to stay - with my brother leaving for Perth, I wanted to ask you if you'd want to stay with me for a bit?" Gonzo smiled, and I could see the pure admiration in his face as he gently said, "Oh my god Charlie, are you kidding?" I smiled back and said, "Yeah, you'd have to pay some rent, but I'll cut you some slack. The house is already paid off, so it's just utilities and groceries." Gonzo graciously said, "I'll definitely take you up on that. I'm tired of living on Tom's couch." We all laughed, and I turned to Hoppo and added, "You can tell that new trainee from New Zealand that he has a place to stay, too. I've got three bedrooms and a guest room."

Hoppo smirked as he remarked, "Not ready to be an empty nester?" I replied honestly, "Nope." He laughed and said, "That's great news, I'll give him a call and let him know."


It was finally Liam's day to fly across the continent to Perth, and I felt as though I was going to be sick, but at the same time cry, but also be really happy for him... My emotions were a mess. Thankfully, Deano and Chappo had offered to drive to the airport with me to drop Liam off. I figured that they knew I'd need the support and some company after I said goodbye to him, and they were most definitely right.

The ride to the Sydney Airport went by much faster than I thought it would. Liam got out and grabbed his suitcases, his carry on, and his personal item, and Deano and Chappo got out of the car to shake his hand and wish him luck. Liam lowered his voice and spoke to them solemnly, and I couldn't hear what was being said. Deano and Chappo returned to the car to let me have a moment alone with my brother.

"Leigh... Don't be sad, or nervous, or scared... I'll still come visit. We all will." Before I could open my mouth, Liam added, "I know some of the guys are moving in. If we come visit, dad's thinking about getting an apartment down near Tamarama or Bronte. We'll be alright, don't worry. I like that you have some roommates now and not some boring lawyer." He laughed, and I cracked a sad smile.

"I'm really gonna miss you, Li. I can't tell you how thankful I am for you, and for everything you've done for me..." I trailed off, beginning to get a bit emotional. Liam sighed as he got upset since I was getting upset. He pulled me in to his chest and wrapped his arms around my head and said, "Leigh, don't mention it. I'm your brother, it's my job to look out for you. Plus, you make it easy to be a great brother, since you're an even better sister. I wasn't gonna tell you, but when the boys come out for the open water championships in Perth, I was gonna buy you a plane ticket so you could come see me."

I smiled and said, "I'd love that." Liam grabbed his things and said, "Well, I've gotta go. I love you, Leigh. I'm only a phone call or a FaceTime away." He embraced me tightly, and I hugged him back harder than I'd ever hugged anyone before. We separated, and I waved goodbye as he disappeared into the busy airport.

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