Part 7

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It was finally the night of the celebration. Maxi, Chappo, Reidy and Jesse had closed up at the beach without any problems, and we all went to the little barbecue area, where Kerrbox was already starting up the grill. Hoppo and Deano had just finished up setting up some tables and chairs, and I saw my parents sitting at one of the tables chatting with Bisho and my brother. I made a beeline and hugged my mum from behind; she immediately recognized my embrace, got up, and hugged me back. I gave my dad and Liam hugs, and I looked at Bisho. After a moment, he laughed, extended his arms, and said, "Come here!" We laughed as Bisho gave me a hug, and when we separated, the entire lifeguard service was up at the barbecue.

Hoppo got everyone's attention and asked, "Now, where'd she go?" I weaseled my way up to the front with Hoppo, and he smirked and said, "Here ya go Charlie, take a seat." I sensed mischief in the air, and I saw my mum, dad, and brother come up with Hoppo. There was a small projector screen in front of me, and I asked Hoppo, "What's going on?" He just smirked at me again and said, "You'll see."

My mum turned to me and said, "The boys have been telling us that they don't know much about you, so we wanted to help change that." My dad pulled out a box that I remembered all too well. I groaned and Liam jeered, "Know what these are, Leigh?" I murmured and responded, "Don't you dare tell me they're the-" Liam cut me off and exclaimed, "Home videos!"

All the boys clapped and cheered as the first one was put in, and I recognized it immediately. It was me catching my first wave with Liam. I watched as we paddled out into the ocean at Byron, and maybe four paddles out, I fell off my board. The boys laughed as the video continued, and I sat getting ready for a wave with Liam. Maybe a two foot wave came in, and I shrieked as I was obliterated by it. I couldn't help but laugh along with the boys.

The tape changed, and this time it was my first time learning to dive. "No!" I exclaimed, vividly remembering the contents of this tape. Liam held me back and whispered in my ear, "This one's my favorite." I was on the 3 meter spring board, first learning to dive. I jumped up and off the board, and immediately as my feet left the board, I began flailing in the air. What happened next could be heard all the way down the beach - a loud smack as the seven year old me belly flopped into the pool.

The boys were all in hysterics as Liam replayed my fail, and the last of the three tapes was put in. I couldn't help but smile as I realized it was film from my first time at Bondi. I must have been at least ten at the time, and Liam and I were paddling out to catch a wave together. Just as we were getting ready to catch a wave, I saw a familiar blue shirt on the beach and exclaimed in pure glee, "Oh my god, that's Kerrbox!" I saw the senior lifeguard's face flush of color, and Liam paused the film.

"No way that's him!" Hoppo said, laughing hysterically. "You're setting up the beach tomorrow morning, Charlie." Kerrbox said dryly, and we all laughed at his response. Bisho asked, "Box, is that really you, mate?" He replied, "Yeah mate, that's me... I used to look good, believe it or not."

The rest of the night was full of laughter, some drinking, great food, and tons and tons of bonding. Before we wrapped up, I asked Hoppo if I could get up to say a few words to everyone. He got everyone's attention for me, and I addressed all the boys, as well as my family.

"I know that I've only been here for a few months, but the support and the encouragement that you guys have shown me has been amazing. I can't tell you how happy I am to work with all of you and call you all mates. Thanks for pushing me, for shaping me, and for liking me for who I am. I never get mushy, but seriously, thank you." The boys all applauded, and I heard Deano say, "We love ya, Charlie!" We had one last toast, and I said, "To family."

The boys and my family all loudly echoed, "To family."


"Bye guys! Have a safe flight home and let me know when you land!" I exclaimed as Liam and I dropped my parents off at the airport in Sydney. We saw them off into the airport, and Liam pulled out of the spot we were in and we left the airport. I suddenly realized that Liam knew about this all along, and I hit him on his arm. "Ow!" He exclaimed, asking defensively, "What was that for?" I laughed as I whined, "You knew all along!" He chuckled and replied, "Of course I did, Leigh."

The drive home was spend reminiscing and laughing about old times, and after a small moment of silence, what Liam said next shocked me.

"Charlie, I've been offered a position in Perth as a head of a huge national law firm. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, because I love it here, but I feel like that's something that comes once in a lifetime." I was shocked, but in a good way. I was stoked for my brother since he'd worked so hard studying law and had worked his way up the ladder like our dad, but he had gotten much further than dad had in Sydney. On the other hand, the only blood that I had around would be leaving me to go across the continent.

"Honestly, Liam, you need to go." He looked down at me, shocked. I continued, "This is what you've worked your entire life for. You deserve this and you need to do this. Do mum and dad know?" He replied, "Yeah, they said to do what I felt was right." He paused, and what he said next made my heart melt.

"I just don't want to leave you here, Leigh."

I sighed and said, "I don't want you to leave either, but this is what you've worked so hard for, Liam. You know it, too. Don't let me hold you back either. You've seen the boys and you know who I have around me. Do you trust them?" Liam replied, "Yeah... I do." I smiled and said, "Good. So you're not leaving me here, I have people. You need to do what's best for you, and I think that's going to Perth and becoming a head of that firm."

"You promise you won't hate me if I leave?" He asked me, taking a deep breath. I laughed and said, "As long as you come back to visit, no, I won't hate you."

Little did I know how soon Liam would be leaving for this job of his. He told me that he was flying out to Perth at the end of the week, and he was packing up pretty much everything that he owned and taking it there with him. He let me keep some things here, and I was really thankful for that. I asked him what to do with the house, and he told me that mum and dad had already paid it off. All I had to do was pay utilities on it, and Liam even left me his car, saying that the firm in Perth was giving him a company car.

As I went to work the next day, I was kind of put off as everything sunk in. My parents were up in Byron, an eight hour drive away, and now my brother, my best friend and my biggest supporter who knew me better than anyone, was moving across the country. He would now be a 42 hour drive from me, and I was not happy about it. I knew that by supporting him to make the move, I was doing the right thing, but it didn't make it any easier.

"You alright, Charlie?" Deano asked me caringly as some of the boys showed up. I sighed and asked him, "You know that feeling when you're making the right decision, but it doesn't make it hurt any less?" Deano smiled lightly and asked, "Break up?" I laughed and replied, "In a way of sorts... Liam's moving to Perth at the end of the week." Deano looked at me, surprised. I explained, "He got offered a head position at one of the national firms out there. The only reason he didn't want to go was because of me. I told him he had to take that opportunity. So he leaves this weekend, and he's taking pretty much everything. Now I'll have that big house all to myself."

Deano jokingly said, "I heard that a few of the guys are looking for places closer to the beach." I quickly asked, "Who?" Deano seriously replied, "Gonz, Reidy, and one of the new trainees coming in from New Zealand named Harrison." That worked perfectly since we had three bedrooms and a guest room.

"Tell them they found a home without even looking."

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