Brienne is Renly's bodyguard at Stannis' insistence.  He'd said something along the lines of; 'one of your deranged fangirls could attempt to murder you and that would cause a huge PR nightmare for the prime minister.'  Renly had told him he was completely paranoid and no less than a week later Brienne had been assigned to babysit him and Loras both.

It had, probably, been a miscalculation on Stannis' part, because Brienne is excellent.  He and Loras both enjoy her company, Loras' grandmother likes her and Margaery simply adores her.  She's also fantastic on the drums, which had Stannis in fits for weeks when he'd first found out.  Loras has taught her how to play the bass guitar too, since Renly's absolutely terrible at teaching people to play any instrument that isn't the banjo, apparently.

Renly makes a point of regularly telling Stannis about how great it is to have a third member of their band on the government's dime, just to rankle him when he calls Renly to check on him and complain about how Renly's niece, Shireen, is now obsessed with rosenstag.

"Oh," Loras says a few minutes later, lips twisting downwards into a frown.  "I lost an eyeball."

"Gross."  Renly wrinkles his nose. He thinks it's realistic, frankly, and wolfgirl23 has done a good job with her research.  Frankly, he's a little surprised no one's died, because that would have been the most true-to-life outcome of such a relationship in that historical period. He puts his hands in his pockets and shrugs. "Well, eye patches are rather dashing."

Loras makes a humming noise and leans against Renly's shoulder.  "I wonder why they took it down," he muses, thumbing over the chapter and highlighting the whole thing.  He copies it with a swipe of his thumb and pastes it into a notepad document so that they'll have a copy.  "I wish I could comment on it," he says, passing Renly's phone back to him.  Renly pockets it and stands there, nose half-buried in Loras' hair, thinking about the story and how grateful he is that he wasn't born into that time.  He'd never have Loras then, and he loves him so.

He hums a few bars of Wolfgirl into Loras's hair, Loras mumbling the words along with Renly's humming.  "Oh wolfgirl I hope that you'll still be true," He pauses then, turning to look at Renly.  "D'you know, technically, Sansa is a wolf girl. Isn't the old symbol of House Stark a direwolf?"

Renly scratches at his beard, history lessons blurring together in his mind.  "I suppose you're right," he says.  "An actual wolf girl, how odd."

"Explains why Margaery was so smitten," Loras steps away from Renly and peers up at Sasna's apartment building.  "And why she's taking forever."

"They've had more to drink that we have," Renly points out.  "It could just be taking a while, you know how girls are."

Loras wrinkles his nose, "Not really my thing."

"I know, I know."

Margaery emerges some five minutes later, her eyes a little too bright and her lips a little too red.  She's fiddling with her hair as she sidles up to them, a smug, cat-like smile dancing on her lips.  Loras raised an eyebrow at her as he opens the door for her.  "Did you kiss her?"

"Once," Margaery says breezily.  "She's lovely, I must see her again."



Received 3:45 AM: "Why did you take down LiaB? Come on dude, don't hold out on us!!!"

Received 5:46 AM: "I got the notification that you'd updated, but imagine my disappointment to find that the entire story is fucking GONE.  You don't get to do that, you don't get to take a story from your readers like that, fuck you wolfgirl23, fuck you."

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