⚘Everything Sucks ⚘

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Sisterhood of the traveling scandal


The next morning, or should I say evening my mom woke me up.
"Come on its time to get ready",She said excitedly,
"Ready?",I asking pulling myself up,
"For the movie",She said as if it was obvious,
"I have hours",I groan lying back down,
"No you have exactly one hour",She said checking her watch making me jump up,
"What?!",I yell standing up running over to her,
"Yep look an hour",She said pointing to her watch,
"Shit",I say running to my closet,
"Language!",She yells sitting on my bed.
"Sorry mother",I say grabbing my jeans and shirt I was wearing,
"Oh come on Cas why don't you wear a dress!",My mother whined,
"Cause I hate them and I look better in jeans plus I'm a Gaylord",I say buttoning them up earning an shrill from my mother.

"KYLE!",My mother yells making me jump,
"WHAT!?",He yells back,
"TELL YOUR SISTER TO WEAR A DRESS!",She shouts again making me cover my ears,
"Jesus",I groan,
"DONT TELL ME WHAT To DO!",He yells back,

"What a nice young boy you have raised mom",I say sarcastically,
"Do you need a ride to the school?",She asks before leaving the room,
"Nope",I answer trying my laces.

I check the time after getting ready at only 15 minutes to get there I bolt out the door and jump on my bike.
After about ten minutes I showed up throwing my bike to the ground and walking into the school halls.

"Of course your late",I turn to come face to face with with Tyler and McQuaid Who are already sitting in their seats,
"I woke up like three minutes ago",I say taking a seat beside them,
"The hell are you wearing a tux for?",I ask looking McQuaid up and down,
"He's trying to impress Emaline",Tyler answers for him,
"Goodluck with that",I say turning to the stage just when the spotlight comes on,
"Why? Did she say something to you?",McQuaid asks in a panicky tone.
"No time movies starting",I say pointing to Luke.

The movie starts and shortly after Oliver comes on the screen reminding me about Emaline.
I look behind me where she sits with Kate comforting her making me smile.
Shit I miss Kate.
From the corner of my eye I see Luke exiting the hall.
Curiosity got the best of me and I followed him.

"Alien movies not you thing?",I ask as I close the door and spot him sitting at the popcorn stand.
"Not in the mood",He states as he begins pacing,
"What about your mom and Mr.Messner they seem to be having a good time",I shrug taking a seat,
"Good",He nods,
"Come on Luke why aren't you in there?",I ask making him stop pacing.
"I changed some of the lines and I don't wanna be in there to see the reactions",He shrugged,
I roll my eyes at his answer.
"God my heart aches for you, nobody cares that you changed the lines now go in there and admire your masterpiece of a movie",I say pointing to the door.

"Luke, Why Aren't you watching?",Kate said from the door,
"That's my que to leave",I say walking past her and back in to sit,
I take the seat beside Emaline to watch the rest.
Just as I had sat down the movie had ended so there wasn't much to watch anyway.
"Was it good?",I ask Emaline who just smiles and nods.


"I'll sign it if you want",I hear from behind me,
All I wanted was to eat and the only food I could find was popcorn so right now I was stuffing my face.
"Where the hell is everyone?",I ask coming up behind Tyler,
"Emaline and Kate went somewhere and McQuaid went to declare his love",He shrugged drinking the last of What was in his cup.
"Wait, You were serious about that?",I ask looking him in the eye,
"Yeah why?",He asks confused,
"Well it's too late now",I sigh leaning back into the table,

"I better go find him",I say realizing the complete embarrassment he was probably feeling,
"Oh-Okay",He nods looking around to try and find somebody he knew.

I spent ten minutes looking for McQuaid before I found him throwing a pin one across the hall sitting against a locker.
"Shit, she let you down easy",I say sitting down beside him,
"Didn't have to,didn't even get a chance to talk to her",He shakes his head,
"What do you mean?",I ask raising my brows,
"She was kissing Kate",He said blankly,

My face dropped, not from sadness but from confusion.
"Girls, amirite?",I say nudging him,
The last hung he needed was me telling him I liked her too.
"You staying here?",He asks looking across to me.
"Nah, think I'll just go home",I shake my head standing up to leave.
He nods in understanding before following my actions and putting his hand out for me to shake it.

I roll my eyes and pull him in for a hug.
"You'll find someone else, don't worry",I say before pulling away and making my way out of the school.

I stroll down the path picking at my already chewed up fingernails 'celebrating' yet another fail with a female.
This had happened on numerous occasions, probably because of the town we live in.
I came across the bridge. The same bridge Kate's mom had ended it.
I looked in awe thinking of what the poor woman had to have went through to feel like that was her only way out.
But maybe it was.
Not for most obviously, people like me can handle it,
But people like Mrs.Messner surly couldn't.
Letting a single tear roll down my face I looked down over the bridge imagining the pain it must have been to smack down into the water.
I shake my head before pulling away from the bridge and continuing to walk.

Respect is a big thing in this town.
But people respect you for all the wrong reasons,
They don't respect people who take 'the easy way out' because they don't understand it.
They respect people who take shit and stuff it down in the back of their minds for years until it gets to much they just have to scream.

But I respect the people who have to deal with loss.
The loss of a friend, family or even just an animal.
But of course respect only takes you so far.
That's why from a certain sense people see life as nothing because no matter what you do.

Everything Sucks

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