Random Rivalcrush Headcanons

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- Gary will occasionally find Serena wearing one of his shirts.

- Serena usually enunciates hand holding, but Gary will sometimes do it occasionally (out of jealousy)

- Gary doesn't really like to dance that much, but is willing to dance with Serena to make her happy, despite not having the experience. (Serena secretly finds Gary's horrible dancing adorable.)

- Serena loves to cuddle which, surprisingly, is something Gary also loves to do.

- Both of them tend to get jealous easily. Although sometimes, Gary is more casual about it; he just puts his arm around her when he sees another guy checking her out. Serena glares at Gary's fangirls or any girl that seems to be flirting with him, even if he politely turns them down.

- They don't argue very often. They might bicker over a few small things but usually never continue on about it. Their huge arguments abruptly stops with Serena leaving to go get some fresh air. But they can never stay mad at each other so they drop it.

- If Gary gets sick, Serena has no problem taking care of him. If Serena gets sick however, Gary completely panics and overreacts which leaves Grace to come to take care of Serena instead while also calming down Gary and getting him to help her.

- Seeing Serena cry is Gary's weakness. He will try to do all he can to make her feel better. When Gary cries, it's mostly because he's scared of losing Professor Oak. Serena can't stand seeing Gary cry as it is also her weakness as well so she takes Gary to see Professor Oak, which always helps him feel better.

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