Pride vs potential part 2

Start from the beginning

"I will activate the ritual spell card call Red Eyes Ritual" Two black stone ulters appear on Sam side of the field "MIGHTY BLACK DRAGON I OFFER YOU MY RED EYES BLACK DRAGON! SO THAT YOU CAN ARRIVE AND HELP ME WIN THIS FIGHT AGAINST MY FOE!" Sam only monster jump onto the black ulter and exploded into black firey piller "I RITUAL SUMMON! RED EYES RITUAL DRAGON!" Sam ace monster appears on the field and roars at Y/n dragons and they roar back at Sam dragon.

"A dragon name after a summoning method?" Jack question this and everyone along with Y/n we're confuse by this because they never heard of a card name after a summoning method.

"Now I activate my dragon ability it can take away half of one of your monsters attack points and my dragon gains those attack points, so I will pick your blue eyes dragon rider" Sam dragon eyes glow red and Y/n monster cry out in pain as her power was drain from her.

Red eyes ritual dragon atk points: 2500 to 3620

Blue eyes dragon rider atk points: 2800 to 1680

"NOW MY RITUAL DRAGON! ATTACK HIS DRAGON RIDER! INFERNO RITUAL FLAME STRIKE!" Sam dragon open it mouth and sent a blast to Y/n monster destroying it and causing Y/n to lose his footing and sending him to the ground on his back.

Y/n life points: 8000 to 6060

"Ugh that tickled" Y/n staggers to stand up and he gets back on his feet and he breathes heavily while he looks at Sam and his dragon, he then looks his own three dragons and they look at him concern.

"I think that will be all for now, bring it on so called master of the blue eyes deck" Sam ends his turn and it goes back to Y/n who eye site of Sam change to Y/n but of his dark signer appearance.

(Cue song for this part of duel)

'Okay I need a card that will help me win this duel and I know I have just have the card in my deck, I will have to hope it will be it otherwise how can I become the king of games and reclaim my family company' Y/n shuts his eyes and puts his hand on his deck, he takes in a breath of air and clams his mind.

"COME ON Y/N I KNOW YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LOSE TO THIS GUY, THINK ABOUT THIS WHAT WOULD YOUR BROTHER DO IF HE WAS IN YOUR PLACE!" Jack exclaimed at Y/n who open his eyes and they glow both blue and yellow.

"ITS MY TURN!" Y/n draws a card and it shines brightly that causes everyone to shield there eyes except for Y/n and Sam, Y/n three Blue eyes white dragons glow brightly before vanishing and a giant golden Spear in the sky.

"ALL MIGHTY PROTECTOR OF THE SUN AND SKY I BEG OF THEE HEAD MY CRY! TRANSFORM MYSELF FROM ORB OF LIGHT AND BRING ME VICTORY IN THIS FIGHT! I BEG OF THEE GRACE OUR HUMBLE GAME BUT FIRST I SHALL CALL OUT THY NAME! WING DRAGON OF RA!" Y/n proclaim and everyone eyes widen as the giant spear in the sky transform into its true form and it let out a powerful roar at Sam and his dragon.

'Greetings Y/n I'm glad that I can work with you again' Ra told Y/n who smile and nodded his head at the god that chose Y/n to posses its power.

"No way?! You actually have that god card?!" Sam exclaimed with wide eyes and his dragon roar at Ra which roar back at it with more power in the roar.

"When Ra is summon it gains the attack points of all the monsters use to summon it to the field" Y/n explains and Sam stares at it Ra in amazement.

Ra attack points :???? To 9000

"Last time Y/n Summon that card he got hurt badly" Akiza stares at both her boyfriend and the god card, Yusei then thinks back to his duel against Y/n during the fortune cup.

"YA MISTER Y/n YOU GOT THIS! SHOW THE WORLD YOU ARE NUMBER 1!" The little boy shouted at the site of his most favourite duelist, Y/n then look at the kid and smile at the boy and gave him a thumbs up before looking at Sam.

"RA! THE TIME HAS COME TO END THIS! I ACTIVATE YOUR POWER! I OFFER YOU ALL OF MY LIFE POINTS UNTIL I HAVE 100 LEFT SO THAT YOU ARE MORE STRONGER!" A golden and blue aura transfers from Y/n to Ra as it roars as ur gets stronger.

Ra attack points: 9000 to 12,010
Y/n Life points: 6060 to 150

"NO WAY! 12,010 ATTACK POINTS! THATS NOT POSSIBLE!" Sam exclaims and Ruby looks at the god card and Sam look at Ra as it stare down both himself and his Red eyes ritual dragon.

"WING DRAGON OF RA! ATTACK RED EYES RITUAL DRAGON! WITH DIVINE SOLAR FLARE BLAST!" Ra opens its mouth and began to gather power that became a golden flame and then it fire at Sam dragon destroying it and sending Sam to his back.

Sam life points: 8000 to 0000

"SAM! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Ruby runs to her boyfriend and she kneels next to him as he sits up and looks at Ruby with a smile on his face and Ruby smacks the back of his head to which he laughs at this.

"Hi my little rose I'm fine and sorry for running off without telling you about it" Sam sits up and looks at Ruby, both of them heard footsteps and look to see Y/n and he looks at Sam with a serious look on his face for a second before he got a smile on his face and he offers his hand to Sam and Sam grabs Y/n hand and gets pulled up to his feet.

"I must say this duel was both incredible and a eye opener to a problem I been dealing for awhile so thank you" Y/n tells Sam who looks at y/n confuse for a second and then he got a smile on his face.

"I'm glad i could help, I got to say you live up to your title and I hope we can be friends" Sam reply to Y/n who nodded his head in agreement, Y/n then got a hit on the head and rub the back of his head and saw Akiza with a look on her face.

"You are so in trou-" Y/n cut Akiza off by kissing her on the lips and she began to kiss him back and they both broke the kiss for air, then both had a light blush on there faces.

"Thanks for believing in me during my duel" Y/n tells Akiza who then smiles at him and puts her forehead on his shoulder, Y/n smiles and kisses her head and begins to walk to his fellow signers and the kid that rooted for y/n during his duel.

"That was awesome work Mister Kaiba" The little boy told his idol, this cause Y/n to smile and rub the kid head, y/n then stops and fist bumps Yusei, Jack and Crow.

"Can we go I'm beat and need to relax" Y/n ask his friends and all the signers begin to walk back to Yusei place and Y/n turn his head to see the kid he gave the card to gone.

'Strange were did that kid go?" Y/n thought to himself before he goes and rejoins walking with his friends and he began to think of the future.

(This chapter is now done, I hope you all enjoyed it and let me know in the comment section if you have any favourites parts in this chapter and if you have any suggestions for future chapters let me know in the comment section)

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