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Mama Mia: Sasha we are coming
Giraffe: what's your address????
Sassy Sasha: next door to the team ten house
Curly weave: Corbyns driving
Curly weave: and Zach's asleep
Dancing queen: I'm not anymoreeeee
Sassy Sasha: please hurry he should be back soon
Mama Mia: we're on our way don't worry xx
Sassy Sasha: only two of you come in, in case he arrives back so we have a quick get away.
Dancing queen: Daniel and Jonah will
Curly weave: yep because me and Zach are tied and Corbyns driving.
Sassy Sasha: ahah ok
Sassy Sasha: were are you guys.
Sassy Sasha: oh your here.

Third person POV
Sasha sat helplessly on the floor with bruises and cuts all over her body. She heard the sound of a car stop and the door flinging open. In rushed Daniel and Jonah. They were taken back when they saw Sasha in her underwear. But they had no clue what had happened before neels left. He raped her.

Jonah had a jumper on him which he flung of and threw at Sasha. She quickly put it on and it went below her knees. Daniel ran towards Sasha and hugged her as she cried in his chest. Jonah was rushed upstairs and threw a bunch of Sasha's clothes in to a bag. Daniels phone vibrated causing him to release from the hug. It was a message from the group chat.


Corbone: we see him, he's at the team ten house hurry

"Come on We need to go!" Daniel yelled and Jonah rushed downstairs with the bag in his hand and he threw the bag to Daniel. Jonah scooped Sasha up in his arms and carried her bridal style. He rushed her outside and thats when they saw Neels in the front of the team ten house kissing Tessa Brooks. Tears formed in Sasha's eyes and Jonah tried to get her in the car as fast as he could. Zach jumped in the passengers seat and jack was asleep on on very back seats. Daniel opened the car door and Jonah sat with Sasha on his lap sobbing her heart out.

"I know this isn't the time but, why do you have Jonah's jumper on?" Corbyn questioned the two.
"B-because when they came in I was in my underwear" Sasha mumbled.
"What why?!" Corbyn yelled slightly
"B-because before Neels left h-he r-raped me" Sasha admitted and everyone but sleeping jack Avery was in shock.

Jonah placed Sasha on Daniels lap and jumped out the car. He walked towards Tessa and Neels making out and pushed Neels.
"Yo what you do-"Neels started but Jonah punched him in the jaw. Before Jonah could blink Chance and Jake were rushing towards Jonah and ripping him of Neels.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Chance tried to put on a intimidating voice.
"HE RAPED SASHA" Jonah screamed and Jake let go of Jonah in shock.
"Is it true?" Jake questioned.
"Look she didn't exactly say no, but she didn't say she wanted to" Neels admitted.
"What did she say then" Jake questioned.
"She said she wasn't in the mood" Neels said and it was now Jakes turn to punch him.

"You disgust me" Jake spat and him and team ten all entered the house. Jonah walked back in the car and Sasha was asleep in the middle seat, where Daniel had moved her because he felt uncomfortable considering Sasha is like a sister to him.

Jonah picked her up and put her on his lap, Corbyn drove the teenagers back to the why don't we house and Daniel grabbed Sasha's bag and Zach climbed to the back seat to wake up jack.

Jack and Zach walked in the house along with jack and Corbyn. Jonah carried Sasha into the house as she was asleep.

"Where shall I put her?" Jonah whispered
"Jus put her in your bed bro it's fine honestly" Corbyn said and Jonah took Sasha upstairs and placed her in his bed. He got next to her and soon they both were sound asleep.

Sasha Besson / J.M (completed)Where stories live. Discover now