2:A Day Of Rest

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  You snapped your eyes open to see the ceiling of Katelyn's main room. You took note of the facts that while you slept like a rock, you only felt slightly less fatigued, and your bedding was significantly moved. You pushed yourself up, standing. You blinked for a few moments, as your vision fuzzed up. You felt... strange. Like your mind was a room, that had all the furniture rearranged. It was recognized as yours, but it was so unfamiliar at the same time.

  Once again, do not worry. I simply followed on my side of the deal for the first time. It feels strange at first, but you will grow familiar to this over time.

  Ah, yes, Bahamut, the king of metallic dragons, god of good dragons, had spoken for the first time in hours. You shook your head before opening your mouth.

  "What did you do while I was out?" You heard silence for a moment.

I simply explored the town, gathering information from all I saw. I have lost my energy over the past millennia. I barely had the energy to watch over you, you wouldn't believe it.

  You folded the blanket you had, placing the pillow on top of it, placing it on a couch. Wait, why didn't you sleep on the couch? You sighed as you walked out of the building. Looking around, you took notice of the massive tree that stood nearby. You cracked your neck and walked out, trying to decide on what you would do for the day.

  It would be best for you to rest. Of everyone in your group, you have worked your abilities the most, transporting your friends from city to city, transforming, fighting, dying, and I haven't even gotten to the strain of hosting me.

  You nodded, shoulders slumped.

  "And what of material things? My sword and weapons were burnt up by that liquid, same for my armor, only my clothes survived." There was a hum that spread through your body, as you could almost feel a warm embrace on your body.

  As our bond grows, and your body and soul grows used to the strain of hosting me, I will help you with armor. As for your weapons, two did survive.

You then felt an increase of weight on your hips. You looked down to see two leather sheaths, a dagger hilt sticking out from them. You drew the two daggers to see faded pink blades, now with silver sheens.

"Romeo and Juliet."

  Correct. Their power, while now weak, still remains, saved by my power, and their own. Those blades hold deep enchantments, Y/n.

  You nodded, flipping them around before putting them back in their sheathes. You then moved away from Katelyn's front door, taking a seat by the front steps, it was early morning, so nobody was around to hear your conversation.

As for your bow, sword, and other items, I will help with that. But I require control before so, requiring you to rest. Go, greet your companions and friends, but I strongly recommend you rest within the next few hours, regain your energy. All of it.

You nodded, pushing yourself up. You watched as Dante exited his house, armor on, apparently ready to take on his guard duty already. You walked over, signs of tiredness still visible.

"Morning." Dante moved his head to look at you, taking immediate note of your condition. Bags under your eyes, eyes themselves half shut, your overall posture.

"Geez Y/n, did you get any sleep last night?" You nodded.

"Slept like a rock actually. Just REALLY overextended my abilities back in the last few days. It's just now catching up with me." Dante nodded.

"You know, Nekoette was ecstatic when we came back, but I explained all that happened, and she respects the fact that you're pretty beat up." You slowly blinked, a smile spreading across your face.

The Silver Scaled Warrior (Minecraft Diaries Katelyn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now