Guess I'm gonna die.

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I was driving back home after being gone for most of the day, my hand tapped the steering wheel, my mind churning, my heart aching, I hadn't meant to leave in the middle of the day without telling my mother, so much grief just assaulted me again, suddenly,making it unbearable for me to live where so many memories of Him haunted me.

It was late and mist hung all over the road and I couldn't see anything five feet away from my car. Fog was all over the windows of the car. Smoky and white it moved and covered every part of the car. I was moving through the quite part of town, most of the houses here were dark, no lights on, people sleeping. Sometimes living on the outskirts of the town was difficult as it wasn't easy to reach, but it was beautiful, surrounded by the forest, so I had grown up loving nature.

I sighed, my mind when left alone wandered over everything I hadn't allowed it to go through, the part that I kept closed because it was painful and agonising, memories flashing in, taking the chance that my guard was low, to haunt me, to make me regret every choice on that day. This part was difficult, the moving on one, I couldn't, how can anyone leave a major part of their life behind , leave all the memories, everything and...move on. It was so difficult.

I turned the heater to maximum as it was  an extremely cold night and my old cadillac DTS  still felt like a refrigerator. My phone buzzed and keeping my eyes on the road, I fumbled for my phone inside my bag.

My mom was asking when I'd be home and I started messaging her back because she really started getting worried if i didn't text her back immediately, which I hadn't today cause I was being all gloomy and sad. I texted her I'll be there in ten minutes. I love my mom and was now regretting that I left without a word.

Sighing I put my phone in the cup holder.As soon as I had put it down ,my headlight focused on something in the middle of the road and I instantly realized that it was a deer.

Now the distance wasn't much so I didn't have more than just a few seconds of reaction time but still i knew that even if I slammed the brakes the deer would still be hit so as an animal lover I tried to swerve the car to the left, however the car didnt stop even though I
slammed on the brakes and it slammed through the crash barrier and slammed into the trees.

Before this all had happened, a million thoughts zoomed through my mind , one being clearer than all,"Well I'm gonna die."

The impact of the crash left me breathless and vibrations moved throughout my body and It felt  like being hit with a bull dozer(not that I know what it feels like).The air bags exploded in my face , cushioning it and protecting.

A sharp ringing started in my ear,time seemed to slow down as I tried to get my bearings.I sat there trying to make sense of things but everything just felt disorientated. Then I felt extreme pain ricochet through my body."Yup,"I thought to my self,"Definetly gonna die."

I tried moving but my seatbelt was restricting me from doing that.I dont know if I could've moved even if I didn't have the seatbelt on.I wanted to scream from the pain but I couldn't find the energy to open my mouth,the pain was sudden and sharp. The ringing in my ears
started to subside as I tried to take inventory of my situation.

First thing I did was calm myself because if i panicked I would be in no shape to think properly on how to get out of the car.I started thinking of a calm,peaceful lake, I wasn't calm after a few moments but I could think clearly to get myself out of here.

Excruciating pain, Check.Broken ribs,Check.Glass shards in my arms,Check.The fact that I cant move,Check.Possible head injury, Check. I ticked of all these things in my head while running a sarcastic commentary.

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