“Okay, I’ll be ready soon.” I stood up and rushed into the bathroom before she could get a good look at me.

I knew better than to lollygagged when it came to the queen, so I rinsed off fast, still feeling slightly dirty and covered my face with make-up to hide the swollen eyes and dress in a simple light yellow summer dress. I walked back into my room and looked at Mary who stood by the door looking down, not even looking at me. I knew this meeting was not going to be a pleasant event. I wonder what it could be about; there were a few things she could be unhappy about. First me and Luke still not together, second Luke and Leah’s petition, third she could have heard me and Macy arguing and the event that happened afterward which meant she knew about everything including Joel being present. I started chewing a lot on my lip roughly and I'm surprised I didn't chew a piece off and eat my lip. I walk in silent behind Mary as my anxiety sky rocketed with every step.

“Go in, she’s waiting.” She stopped and gestured to a set of doors; I took a deep breath and entered.

This must have been the queen’s private office, and it was very elegant and classy, she sat perfectly completing the picture behind a highly ornate wood desk.

“Come, sit down.” The queen said, in a monotone voice as her face showed no emotion and went back to reading the paper that she held in her hand. I sat there waiting for her to speak as I clutched on hands together digging my nails into my palms while I patiently waited her to say anything, I silently prayed I was over reacting and this was another lesson, but my heart was just pleading unheard wishes.

“So you know why I called you here Annie?” She said, not taking her eyes away from the paper that seemed to hold her interest more than I did.

“No, I am sorry, I don’t know.” I decided it was best to speak the way she taught me, with dignity and class and play dumb in case she doesn't know anything, she sighed and sat the paper on the desk and pushed them toward me.

“Annie, playing dumb is not cute at this time, I am very upset over what has been happening right under my noise,” I sighed and looked down in shame, for having lied now, “, I happened to be heading to my room last night when I over hear the ending of you and Macy’s argument,” she stood up, slamming her hands on the desk making me jump, “, so I ran down to the council and pulled a copy of this petition that was filed and I’m very upset about what my son has done, and disappointed in you that you allowed this to happen.” She sighed and turned away from me and looked out the window, and I felt so bad for her disappointment, it is the worst thing you can do in my eyes.

“I'm sorry, I didn't know about it till last night, I had no idea he was going to do this,” I said as I tried to hold back the tear I felt threatening to fall.

I was Sold to My Dead Brother's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now