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Liam’s girlfriend is and original Character I made her myself, That sounded super weird but you get it



It feels so good that Louis will be here for another 5 month and then they are going to have another tour. He have already been home for one and a half month. Me and Louis are on our way to the store to by some stuff for my apartment but now our, well he has his own drawer with clothing’s.

”We are here” Louis said and parked the car and got out. I opened my door and took Louis hand and went in to the store. 


” What about this one” Louis said and pointed at a bed a little bit lager than the one I already have.

” The bed I have is perfect we both fit in it and I don’t have the money” I said and sat down next to Louis who was sitting on the bed. 

”I’ll pay” He said and turned his head around so he could see me.

” No you…” I tried but he cut me of with a small kiss.

” Hey it is okay you can pay me back with time” He said and I nodded and smiled feeling bad that i let him pay for me. 

” Lets go and get the bed, love” Louis said and kissed me on the forehead.

” I think we should paint the bedroom” Louis said and took my hand.

”I like the baby blue color” I said and he let go of my hand probably angry that I said no.

” Okay he said, but can we al least have a family photo on the wall with you at me” He said and looked at me. ” Yes we can” I said and he smiled at me but he looked a bit irritated that I didn’t want to re-paint my or now our bedroom. ” What about this picture?” Louis said and I looked over at his computer. We where looking at pictures of me and him that he had on his computer for the picture we are gonna hang up some where in the house probably in the hallway instead of our bedroom. ” It is perfect” I said and looked at the picture. It was the day we shared our first kiss.


” Do you Remember  when we took this picture?” Lena asked and I nodded remembering that moment

It was the day before I was gonna leave for tour and me and Lena was spending every living moment with each other before i was gonna leave.  We where taking a walk in the woods and talking about random stuff. ” Before I leave I really want to have a  picture of us two” I said and took her hand. She looked up at me. Her long eye lashes was beautiful and her blue eyes was shimmering with happiness and her short hair was behind her ears.” Yeah” She said and smiled at me with pure joy.

I opened the camera app on my phone and snapped the picture. She was resting her head on my shoulder and I was looking down on her with pure love and adoration. ” I will miss you” She said and kissed my cheek

” I will miss you to” I said and kissed her on top of her head


” Yes I remember” I said smiling at her she smiled at me and kissed me on my lips.

” Love you” I said and placed my computer on the coffee table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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