"Yes but-"

"Moving on." Jisung quickly cut him off, grabbing his phone and quickly sent a message. He then turned back to Minho with a tired smile. "would you like to hear our schedule for today, my dear future husband."

The list hadn't even started but he was both mentally and physically tired.

"At 9 we have a meeting with Mr.Hwang to ownes a private resort and a close business partner. Then we meet with my father, at 10:30 sharp. Then we have Mr.Kim at 12 who ownes that Tech company for computers, Mr.Min at 1:15 who ownes restaurants all over the country. Mr.Lee CEO of SM at 2:30. Mr.Choi of Posco at 4 and Can't forgot about Mrs.Chung founder of Hyundai at 5 and finally Mr.Kim CEO of Samsung electronics at 6."

Minhos stomach was already crying, he needed food. And more coffee. Some more sleep would also be widely appreciated.

And as if on cue, a quiet gurgle filled the some what quiet car and Jisung couldn't stop himself for giggling at the red tint on the others face, "we can grab breakfast after the meeting with my dad and lunch after our meeting at 2:30. Then I promise we can get dinner!"

That did bring Minho's mood up and he appreciated that Jisung was trying to be as communicative as he could be. Nonetheless, something wasn't right and a pit of worry grew in his stomach.

That's when he noticed the absence of cars around them, "Jisung where's your security I hired?" Minho asked, his hand tightening around the gun inside his coat.

"I sent them away, I never needed security so I don't see why I need them now." He deadpanned, looking through another huge folder, a pen in his mouth.

"Jisung. Back then you weren't going to get married to the son of one of the biggest mafias in the world. You need security now, my father isn't the most kindest or liked man by many." Minho informed, a hand on Jisungs thigh, trying to get his attention. However Jisung didn't seem to understand what Minho was trying to hint at.

"We'll be in heavily guarded companies for most hours of the day. You'll be fine."

"I'm not the one who should be concerned, Jisung." Minho whispered, making sure only Jisung could hear him.

Jisung stopped flicking through documents and looked up to meet Minho's eyes. They were oozing dominance and the whole car seemed to darken. Before he could reply the car came to a sudden stop, surprising both men at the back. Jisung quickly collected himself.

"We'll talk later. As for now- smile and be pretty in our meeting. You should be good at that." Jisung said pointedly, and Minho swore he heard a hint of malice in his words. Was Jisung mocking him?

The business man got out of the car first, making Minho rip his hand away from others thigh.

Minho sat in the car for a few seconds, before he finally got out himself. He walked to the huge glass doors were Jisung was waiting for him, his eyes burning holes into his face.

The feeling of doubt didn't leave Minho throughout the whole meeting.


The car was quiet, both men had  obviously not forgiven eachother. Jisung had opened his window a few minutes earlier, muttering inaudible words as he did.

Minho was the first to break the silence, "it's only 9:45."

"So?" Jisung replied pointedly, trying his best to communicate as little as possible with the mafias son.

guns and rings | minsung.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu