Chapter 1

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I can't bear it anymore. This sickness that I'm feeling right now. I hate it so much that I want to kill myself. I can't bear the pain that I'm feeling. I'm so hurt and broken. Maybe taking my own life would be easier. People around me would be the happiest if I'll be gone. That's what they want, for me to be gone forever.

My mind keeps on spinning when I stepped my foot at the edge of the building. I keep thinking about their words. How it affected me. I know I was at the verge of death but someone stopped me from meeting grim reapper.

He pulled me so hard that we both fell down. I puched his chest so hard and screamed at him that made him whimper.

"Stop trying. Nothing will happen if you take your own life", he said while choking a cough.

He tried to stand up while still holding me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's none of your business. Let me go!!", I screamed again at him but he tightened the hug.

I suddenly cried remembering what I'm trying to do. He patted my back softly and just let me cried in his arms. I cried so hard that his shirt was soaking wet when I stopped. He wiped my tears and smiled at me. A sad smile.

"You reminded me of my sister", he said while taking out a pack of cigarette from his pocket. He lighted one and blew a smoke in the air.

"I thought she was happy with her life. My parents thought that everything was perfect. Then one day, we saw her in her room not breathing anymore. She overdosed herself with sleeping pills.", he told me while flicking out the cigarette.

"She was bullied in her university and was raped by her seniors. It was recorded and the video spread in the university", he continued his story and I can see in his eyes that he was in pain and anger.

"I'm sorry for blabbing. It's just that, when I saw you I really remembered  her. I know you're about to take your life. But whatever you're dealing with right now, killing yourself isn't the answer", he exclaimed as he stood up from where he is sitting.

"I need to go now. By the way I'm Byun Baek Hyun in case you're wondering.", and just like that he left me without even saying a word.

I tried to absorb everything that happened but I can't. All I want to do now is to find who Byun Baek Hyun is. I want to thank him for saving my life, for making me realize that killing myself is not the answer.

I stood up and tried to compose myself. I took my bag and took my mirror and looked at myself. I'm a mess. I was so ashamed of myself. I retouched my make up and fixed my hair. I looked back at the edge of the rooftop building trying to forget what happened today.

Byun Baek Hyun, I hope to see you again...

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