- Chapter 3 -

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Evie held you to the wall as Jacob walked up to you. His eyes followed your arms, seeing that you had a hidden blade held to Evie's throat as well... You knew he couldn't see your face look how Evie could because your hood was up. He looked back at you,

"Where did you get that blade?"

"My mentor gave them to me a while ago."

Evie's brows furrowed,


"Yes, I'm an assassin from America. I was sent here to seek the Frye twins which would be you."

"By who and why?" Jacob took a step closer to you. You retracted your blade,

"(Just make up a name for your mentor), of the American, formally Colonial, Brotherhood. I was sent here to find the Frye Twins of the British Brotherhood and talk you into liberating London but I see you've already got started on it. You actually inspired me to start another gang to fight the Blighters and Starrick. I figured two gangs are better than one."

Evie had retracted her blade but still held you to the wall. Her face had softened a bit and she glanced at Jacob, who expression had also relaxed a little, with a 'do we believe her' look.

You looked Evie in the eye like she had to you,

"Only look at the envelope in my pocket to know my words are true. On the left side."

Jacob reached into your coat pocket to find nothing, he looked at you suspiciously. You blushed a little, but hid it,

"It's an inside pocket. Up inside my coat beside but kinda underneath my.. uh.."

"I get it-" Jacob's face dusted a little pink as he reached inside your coat and up by your breast. No; he wasn't touching skin, your vest was preventing that, but it that didn't mean he couldn't feel your shape and your chest. He was looking down and off to the side, his face getting redder with each second he had his hand still in your coat, getting hold of the folded envelope tucked away in a small pocket.

Evie was wondering if she should've done it instead of putting Jacob in such an awkward position but she was proud of him for not being a pervert about it at the same time.

He finally got the envelope out of the pocket and pulled his hand out of your coat. It was a slight struggle, however, due to your coat being form-fitting. He had to tug his hand away harder, which pushed that side of your chest up. Your vest tightened and pop! went a button. The button hit Evie's shoulder and then fell to the floor.

Now your cleavage was on full display for the Frye twins to see. Evie was quick and with one swift motion she snatched the Black Flag off the shelf of Kenway Mansion souvenirs and threw it at you to cover up.

I mean your chest wasn't totally out, nip-nops and all, but Evie was doing her brother a favor.

By now, Jacob had turned away. His cheeks red as a beet and envelope gripped tightly in his hand with anxiety and 'shit I didn't mean to do THAT-'.

Looking down at the envelope, he noted that it was empty but it had a wax seal stamped with the Assassin Signia.

Flushed face gone, he turned back to you, holding up the envelope. He stepped back towards you and took your hood off,

"What's your name?"

You stared at him with an honest, (E/C) gaze,

"(L/N). (Y/N) (L/N)."

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