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"I can't believe you've never heard of them!"

"Me niether.." With his top hat in his hand and the other scratching his scruff in confused surprise, Jacob Frye stared down at the desk with Alexander Graham Bell. His sister Evie just off to the side, gazing out a window. Chewing on her lip, she looked out at passing civilians in frustration,

"Who is it?"

"No clue," Alec shook his head, lightly slamming his hand down on his desk, "They've just popped up out of nowhere. Like flowers."

"Daisies," Jacob specified, "You mean daisies."

"Well," Alec chuckled with slight anxiety, "I didn't specify because.."

Evie turned and look at Alec and Jacob just stood still, both waiting for an answer. Alec could feel sweat start to slide slowly down his forehead under the intense gaze.

Jacob's brows furrowed in irritation at Alec's studdering, "Spit it out already!"

Alec jumped and blurted out,


Evie shook her head, puzzled,

"Mr. Bell, that's not how the saying goes-"

Alec violently shook his head in panic,

"No no no! That's what they call themselves! The Roses!"

Jacob scoffed, "The Roses? Really? Sounds awfully pretty. Awfully.. friendly... Not intimidating at all.."

"I have a feeling that's the point, Jacob," Evie twiddled her fingertips and thumbs. Fidgeting with the ends of her coat sleeves, she looked up at Alec, "Mr. Bell, what have you gathered on them?"

Alec handed a dead, dark red rose to Evie,

"Well, I found that on my doorstep, for one," he turned and looked at the map on his table that Jacob was looking at early before Alec even brought up the new gang,

"These little purple splotches are where-"

Jacob interrupted, "They hide out?"

"No; where they've.. well... done some handiwork."

"Eh?" Both twins questioned in unison.

"They left a mark there. Like their mark."

Jacob looked at the map again, "That's in both Rook and Blighter territory! Why are they putting their mark on my territory?!"

"I would say they're challenging us and the Blighters," Evie observed the map thoughtfully, "What does this mark look like, Mr. Bell?"

"A purple rose."

Evie rolled her eyes, "I should've known-"

Jacob was already headed for the door, tucking the collapsible top hat into his coat.

Evie looked at him, "Where are you going?"

Jacob stopped pulling his hood up midway and  turned to his sister,

"To do some gardening. I found a few weeds that need pulling." And with that, he was out the door, hood completely over his head and a new objective in his mind.

Rooks & Roses(Jacob Frye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now