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Disclaimer: I do not own anything concerning Harry Potter or Naruto.

Please enjoy!!!


Kakashi silently wondered about the house the next morning, hoping to get a clear map of the place. In his opinion, Grimmauld Place was not at all a very safe environment. He had thought that the Castle was bad, given the amount of hidden chambers filled with dangerous creatures and strange magical objects, but this place was even more so. The small confined quarters hid the oddest of mechanisms. In a cupboard in the Kitchen was an old set of knives that were enchanted to charge at the user or any unaware victim. He had narrowly managed to escape without injury, however, the door he had used to avoid them took the brute of the damage. The door as a result swung on its hinges angrily (if that was even possible) and wouldn't let him back in until he had apologized. All in all, the whole place had the Shinobi on high alert.

He had hoped to find someone who could give him a 'proper' mission briefing, but Mad-Eye said that he was to wait for Dumbledore on that score, who would be arriving later on today to deliver said breifing. Slightly disappointed with the news, he decided to head back up to the attic before Harry and Ron woke up. To his amazement and confusion, he found multiple parcels littering the surface of his neatly made bed. Currious, he went through the packages that hadn't been there before he left, discovering that they happened to be his school supplies for the upcoming year of Hogwarts. All that seemed to be missing was a wand, which didn't surprise him. Last year he had learned that the wand chose the Wizard, which didn't make any sense to him. However, nothing that happened in the Wizarding World made sense to him. After organizing the contents into his new school trunk, he grabbed a copy of 'Charms: Year One, How to Jinx your Enemies', and began reading, hoping to catch up on the curriculum.


Harry woke up grogily, the previous evening leaving his mind in a state of clutter and stress. A dementor had attacked him and his cousin, resulting in him having to use the Patronius Charm. He had learned that an organization called The Order of the Phoenix had been recreated to once again defeat Voldemort. He had discovered that Dumbledore had planned to keep him in the dark about all of this and had made Ron and Hermione keep it a secret from him while he was stuck at the Dursleys. His Hearing at the Ministry of Magic was tomorrow and he could potentially be expelled from school, the one place where he felt he had always had a home. And he had found out that Kakashi Hatake was once again hired to look out for him, after all he had said and done. All in all, things were not moving in his favor.

He sat up to see that Ron was still heavily asleep, curled in on his side with a pillow grasped tightly in his hold. He looked over to Kakashi's bed to see that the Shinobi was actually there and not off doing something strange or secretive. Instead, the silver haired teen who was slightly younger than he was, was sitting upright with a book clutched in his hands, reading over it with a bored expression.

"Good morning." Kakashi said without looking up from his book, only moving to turn the page.

"How long have you been up, it's like six a.m.?" Harry asked, wondering if the Shinobi had gotten any sleep.

"Couldn't sleep. I had forgotten how loud Ron's snoring was." Kakashi said, completely aware that the red head was now awake.

"Hey! I do not snore!" Ron stated indifferently, ignoring the knowing looks that both Harry and Kakashi sent him.

"Of course you don't..." Harry added sarcastically, while Kakashi continued reading his book. He had managed to read through all of the Herbology, Hogwarts: A History and most of the Potions curriculum. He had used his Sharingan eye while the two teens were asleep. He wouldn't be able to use it for the other courses, he could already feel his chakra depleting considerably.

Different Type Of Wizard: Year 5Where stories live. Discover now