The High Priestess

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Snapped fingers suddenly light up the oil lamps in the shop front - filling it with a soft enchanting glow of orange. The muffled sound of objects being hurriedly shoved into a sack could be heard from Asra's room - he was getting ready to leave again.

Kima leant against the glass display case that encircled a wall of apothecary drawers - soft scents of herbs and spices were almost unnoticeable now; due her having lived here for three years. But occasionally her eyes would close at the flowery scent of something new or...

"Kima, you ok?" A warm voice sounded from the bottom of the staircase - causing her eyes to flash open.

Her lips curled into her usual cheerful smile - unable to stop the warmth expanding in her chest, at the sight of Asra's concerned gaze peering at her through snowy locks.

"Do you really have to go again?" The words fell from her lips uncontrollably - instantly regretting them when she saw the pain in his eyes.

Asra walked from the bottom of the stairs to the glass display case, setting his sack on top, beside Kima.

"I wouldn't go if I didn't have to. It's...important - trust me." He said warmly - Kima noticed his hand ball at his side as if restraining himself from lifting it.

Her attention caught by the slight cool brush against her neck - red eyes gazing at from under the curtain of her chestnut hair.

Kima smiled at the sight of Asra's familier, Faust - her beautiful silver body slithered from around Kima's shoulders and down one of her arms - holding out her arm so Faust could coil around Asra's shoulders.

"Well - you'd better have remembered everything this time." Kima teased tapping his lightly stuffed sack.

Asra ran his hand through his white locks round to the back of his head.

"I'm sure I'll have forgotten something - but I'll manage." He paused - his cheeks hued with a light glow as he reached in his pocket for something.

Kima tilted her head to the side watching his hand dart around his torso - unsure whether to ask what he was looking for when she noticed his gaze glancing to her frantically.

She noticed a familiar stack wrapped in a thin purple cloth just sticking out of his shaul. Reaching for it she pulled out what she'd recognised to be his Tarot deck - smiling.

"This what you're looking for?" She held it up between her fingers seeing his face flush and his shoulders sag; a bashful smile on his lips flashing his teeth slightly.

"Yes-I...I was going to give them to you before I left." He stuttered.

Kima's eyes widened looking at the deck. "Are you sure? These are closely bound to you - parting with them..." She paused watching him pluck the deck from her fingers and unravelling the neatly folded purple cloth; revealing the cards.

"Why don't we ask them?" He suggested, gesturing to the curtained booth where they did their readings for customers.

Kima followed Asra to the booth sliding in opposite him as he placed the deck on the table and pushed them over to her.

"This should be interesting." He teased watching Kima take the cards and start to fold out three of them on the table.

Her fingers hesitated slightly - concentrating on the pull of their call; one in particular seems rather boisterous; her fingers brushing the upper left card before flipping it over.

Asra watched her with admiration; she'd come so far - to hear their voices so strongly. Whether she'd realised it or not; her connection to the cards was much stronger than even his.

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