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dongmin was twelve.
yoongi and i were ten.

"be quiet, yoongi,"
i whispered in the dark.
yoongi giggled,
then i giggled,
then he shushed me.

"ready or not, here i come!"
echoed down the hallway,
and i held my breath.

we were in the closet,
huddled close
against the hanging clothes.
i couldn't see yoongi,
but listened to him breathe.

"you can't be in the closet,
dongmin said,
footsteps growing closer.

it was only then i realized that
yoongi's small hands had
grabbed mine.

and at once the closet door
swung open,
my scream and yoongi's scream
sounding out together,
and suddenly,
i felt a pull at my hand
and the next minute
we were running through the house,
hand in hand,
breathing together,
laughing together,

fun times ⋆ m.ygWhere stories live. Discover now