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Years Earlier

I ran through the streets of Hyrule, searching for them.

"Mama? Papa?! Where are you?!" I yelled.

"Move it, boy!" A sales man shoved me out of the way, making me fall on the rock floor of Castle Town. I yelped a little when I saw that one of my knuckles was bleeding. I slowly walked away, griping onto my blanket. I let my tears fall as I sat between two buildings, and a wall was behind me.

"Mama, Papa, where did you go?" I cried. "Why did you leave me?"

I had woken up to an empty house that morning. My parents never left me alone, they took me everywhere! But, they left all of a sudden. And, and, big, scary men came in and threw me out. They only let me have my teddy bear, blanket, and some food that wouldn't last even a month. If it didn't expire before that. 

I'm all alone now.

Months have past since Mama and Papa left, and by now, I'm sure they aren't coming back. It's snowing, so I guess it must be winter, which means my birthday has come and gone. I'm eleven-years-old now, and orphaned.

I'm freezing.

I'm starving. I haven't had a proper meal in months. I've had to steal from stores once they were closed, or the owners weren't watching. And I felt really bad, but if I wanted to survive, I had to.

I don't have any warm clothes, and what I'm wearing right now isn't necessarily the warmest. Sure, I could use my blanket, but it was wet, so it's not like it'll be of much help. I wrapped it around me three times, yeah, it was big enough for that. I laid down on the floor, facing the people walking around in front of me.

They're heartless. They see me, yet they don't do anything. They don't care, or maybe I'm just invisible to them. Or maybe they're in a similar situation, about to lose their homes and family.


I wanna have a family. I did have a family, but then they left me. I was probably too much to handle. I silently cried and closed my eyes, slightly hoping everything to go back to normal.

"Hey!" I opened my eyes and saw a girl about my age staring down at me. She was wearing a big jacket, and her brown hair was tied into a ponytail, small snowflakes fell on it. Her blue eyes were wide and worried.

"Are you okay? Why are you here? Where are your parents? Are you lost? Let me help!" She began bashing me with questions, too quickly for me to answer. What is it with this girl? Is she really worried about me?

"Zelda, dear where are you?" I heard a woman's voice call. The girl turned around and cupped her hands over her mouth.

"Over here Mommy!" She said. A woman with long blonde hair and a man with short brown hair peered around the corner and stared at who I assume is their daughter. "Look! I found a boy!"

"A boy?" The man said. They both walked towards us, and I backed away a little. They both patted their daughter's head and then turned to me. The man picked her up while the woman stepped closer to me.

"Little boy, what's your name?" She asked. She looked very worried as she picked me up and cradled me in her arms. She looked really surprised at how light I was, but I wasn't. I haven't ate in days.

"I'm... Link," I answered. The woman nodded and gave me smile.

"Don't worry Link, we'll help you," The woman said. "My name is Cassidy, and that is my husband Hank, and you already met my little girl Zelda." They waved at me and gave me a warm smile. I felt tears on the brim of my eyes. Do... do I have a family again? I wiped my tears, trying to stop them, but they wouldn't.

"Hey! Don't cry! I don't like it when people cry," Zelda whined. "And I already really don't like it when you cry, Link."

I looked at her and nodded. I put on a brave face and gave her a small smile. "Okay, Zelda!"

Zelda giggled and gave me a thumbs-up. "That's what I like! Smile! You won't feel sad anymore." I nodded eagerly as we began our walk home. Home... I finally have a home again! I won't have to be alone and suffering on the streets. I guess I even have a sister now.

I'm... I'm really happy!

My new family took me to my new home, which wasn't that far from Castle Town. It was just outside of it actually, in Hyrule Field. There were other houses there, but this one was very pretty, on top of a hill! Cassidy unlocked the door and turned on the lights. I gasped at how big it was, much more bigger than the house I used to have with my parents. She slowly put me down and so did Hank with Zelda. She ran to me and hugged me tightly. I felt myself blush slightly and I kinda hugged her through my blanket.

"I'm so happy Link! We can play together now," Zelda laughed. I smiled and nodded.

"Here, my boy, let me take that for you," Hank said as he started to take away my blanket and teddy bear. I instinctively moved away, not allowing him to take them. Hank looked at me then chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna take them away forever, I'm just going to wash them, speaking off, I think you could use a bath, Linkie."

"Can I take a bath with him too?" Zelda asked. Cassidy and Hank jumped back and glanced at each other, then back at Zelda.

"Um, Zelda, dear, why don't you go clean up your room instead, you'll be sharing it with him after all," Cassidy smiled awkwardly. I didn't understand why though, why couldn't she take a bath with me as well?

"Really?! Okay! I'll clean it up right now," Zelda said. She looked at me and gave a wide smile, before running upstairs to what I guess was our room. Hank took my blanket and teddy bear, and I let him. We had stopped to buy a few pair of clothes for me, and I was very thankful for that. Cassidy then lead me upstairs to a bathroom and turned on the faucet. She then took off my clothes and slowly placed me in the tub. She washed my hair and gently scrubbed my body of any dirt.

After that, she dried me off and helped me put on some clothes. A sweatshirt and some sweatpants, and they were really warm, and they kept me nice and cozy! She lead me out of the bathroom and over to an opened door. I peered inside and saw Zelda cleaning up some toys and putting them in a chest. She looked at us and gave me a warm smile.

She ran to me and pulled me in, showing me what our room was like. She sounded really excited, and I couldn't help but smile all the way through it. Cassidy had gone downstairs to make us some food. Zelda passed me a ball and we played catch for a few minutes, and she showed no signs of being bored, and neither did I.

"Kiddies! Time to eat!" We heard Cassidy say. Zelda put the ball down and took my hand. We ran downstairs and she sat on a chair, patting the one next to her for me to sit at. Cassidy put bowls of food in front of us and I stared at mine for a while. I looked over at Zelda and she was smiling widely. 

"I made some stew, I hope you don't mind, Link," Cassidy said. I shook my head quickly and grabbed a fork.

"Anything is fine! Thank you so much!" I said.

"It's nothing, my boy, now go ahead, dig in! You must be hungry," Hank said. I nodded quickly and started putting a lot of food in my mouth. They looked at me with smiles and ate their food themselves. I was done in three minutes, completely full. I patted my stomach, it was satisfied and happy.

"So, Link, tell me, did you go to school?" Cassidy asked. I nodded, though I have missed a lot fifth grade. Actually, all of it.

"I did, my parents left me in summer, I went to fourth grade, and I've missed all of fifth grade," I said.

"I'm in fifth grade too! Don't worry, I'll help you catch up!" Zelda said. I looked at her, slightly confused. She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "You're going to school with me, silly!"

"I'm going to school?" I asked.

"Of course! The students are on winter break right now, so you'll start the first day they come back,"  Hank said. I'm going to school again... I have a family again... I even have a member I didn't have before, Zelda! I felt tears slide down my cheeks and I smiled.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

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