Ochaku: Medical Romance

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9:00 Pm the same night

Deku lays in his bed motionless wallowing in the sorry of watching his crush being seriously injured in front of him, the mere thought of it makes him want to cry for hours but the thought wont get out of his head. What if he was faster? what if he tried to stop Bakugo sooner?

Deku: I'm so god damn weak, if only I was stronger I would have been able to protect Uraraka, I would have been able to protect my... I need to see her, I need to apologise,

Determined yet still depressed Deku gets up and opens the door to his room looking back at all his All Might figures.

Deku: "Perhaps I wont be as great a hero as you after all, maybe you chose the wrong kid to become your successor after all."

Closing and locking the door Midoriya quietly walks past the elevator reinserting the image of Uraraka laying unconscious in his arms, he turns his head in emotional pain and keeps walking out the door to the dorms. With a lesser need to be stealthy Deku starts to dash to the entrance of the medical ward, entering with caution.

Outside the recovery girls room

Deku enters the room grabbing the recovery girls attention. She hops down from her chair and walks over to Deku bringing him over to the bed in which Uraraka was resting.

Deku: "How did u know I came here to see Uraraka?"

Recovery Girl: "Who else would you have come to see? There is nobody else in this room you know." Silly boy "ive healed most of her injuries

Deku: "I-I guess your right, sorry... what about Kacchan? Didn't Mr Aizawa bring him here as well?"

Recovery Girl: "Hmm, he did but im afraid since his condition is psychological I am unable to heal him with my quirk, he is in the care of one of the other nurses on campus."

Deku: "Oh I see... I hope he will be ok."

Recovery girl: "You should probably be quick, it is past your Curfew isn't it?"

Deku: "U-uh yes your right, I kinda came here on a whim, I wasn't really thinking."

Recovery girl just turns away and hops back on her chair and continues her patient reports. Sitting gently in the visitors seat Deku calmly holds Uraraka's bandaged hand looking at her burnt face. Tears start emitting from Midoriya's eyes

Deku: "Uraraka, im so sorry, im so so sorry, I was too weak to stop Kacchan, to save you. I push and push myself to try and become stronger to protect those who I care most about, to be a great hero but how am I supposed to become one when I cant protect those who are dearest to me. It pains me to think that all my training might be for nothing, I don't know if I have the ability to become a hero anymore, its all ive ever wanted since I was a kid but now im on the path im not sure I can follow it. And now i have to live with the fact that you got hurt because of my own weakness, your the one person I look up to and respect more than anyone else, you are my inspiration and my drive to become great. I know you cant hear me but I beg for your forgiveness, I promise you that I will continue to try and become better for a little while longer, ill do it for you because I care about you and dont want to see you get hurt again."

Rains of tears drop onto Uraraka's hand that Midoriya was holding, he holds it close to his forehead. A slight squeeze is felt from Ochako's hand, Deku looks over to see Ochako looking at him calmly.

Uraraka: Talking softly "Its not your fault Deku, I dont blame you and im sure nobody else does either. You're going to become a great hero one day, perhaps even greater than All Might was, I believe you will, because your my inspiration Deku. I keep fighting because I know it is something that you would do. I want to one day fight beside you as a full fledged hero."

Deku: Tears running down face "U-uraraka, I had no idea you were awake, are you sure you ca.."

Uraraka tugs on Midoriya's cheek stopping him from completing the sentence.

Uraraka: "There is one more thing"

Deku: "Y-yes? what is it?"

Uraraka: "I care about you too"

Uraraka sits up and leans towards Deku, she gently kisses him on the cheek and lays back down. Deku blushing bright red stutters his words.

Deku: "U-Ura-raka, that's not what I meant, w-well it is but n-not, I mean I.."

Uraraka: "Dummy, just shut up and take the win"

Deku: "R-right, i will. Thank you Uraraka."

Uraraka: "For what?"

Deku: "For believing in me"

Uraraka just gives her signature smile and hugs Deku.

Uraraka: "Now get back to your dorm, its past curfew you know!"

Deku: "Y-yes of course, when will you be let out?"

Uraraka: "Recovery girl says that if I rest I should be let out tomorrow morning."

Deku: "I'll see you tomorrow morning then."

Uraraka: "Goodbye Deku"

Deku exits the medical ward stealthily

Recovery girl: "I see you got what you wanted, he is a cute one."

Uraraka: murmurs "Oh shush"


Authors note:
SO I actually didn't plan on having any sort of connection Between these two until next chapter, but once I started to right this chapter I felt like it was appropriate to put it here instead. Let me know if im moving things too fast. I play to have the next chapter up by Thursday Australia time and im going to (for the most part) keep a Bi-Daily Schedule for most of my chapters, I plan on making this at least 10 chapters long.

As always, leave a comment with feedback as this is my first FanFiction and would like to improve.

I wont get the next chapter out until with weekend

IzuOcha, a Deku x Ochako fanficWhere stories live. Discover now