The base

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As we approached the base we noticed a cloud of smoke above the base."Mabey some thing caught on fire?" Asked buzz "Nahh, dont think so we should've gotten a distress car." i said as we approached the base i told buzz to get our guns ready."whoa what was that?!" exclaimed buzz while pointing out the window. There i saw i roundish ship blasting off. "something bad happened at base" said buzz.

As we approached the base on our jeep we saw dead bodies everywhere. Once inside the base i saw a soilder still slumped on over a wall "What happen here soldier?" "th...they where everywhere,They where green and slimey their guns shot lasers. They spoke of universal domination.The..." And there he died.

Once back in the ship buzz asked,"Do you think aliens attacked." "No it must be some rebels that have advanced technology" i said. "No but how rebels have never had better technology than us." said buzz

"lets go back to earth and report this." i said

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