On The Rocks

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Imagine an empty Garrison with only one table occupied by three drunk women. Ada, Esme, and I sat alone after hours sharing a bottle of the new Shelby whiskey. I needed some girls time with the only ones I trusted. I was sick of constantly hanging with the guys and answering their backing calls.

"We're practically family now, right Mel?" Ada laughed under her shot glass

"Pretty close, why?"

"Tell us about your life before, you know?"

"Michael?" I asked pouting a new shit of whiskey.

"No, no, Al. Like we heard you were married."  The girls leaned closer towards me in excitement.

"Uh, yeah I was." I took the whole shot at once then began pouring another.

"C'mon what was his name?!" Ada demanded.

"Actually Esme, I have a question for you."

"Don't avoid my question!" Ada squirmed.

"What is It love?" Ada leaned back in her chair.

"How did you know that John was the one?"

"That's the dumbest question I've ever heard!" Ada interrupted laughing.

"I always knew." Esme mumbled putting down her glass. "John chose me in a way, it's not like I didn't have a choice, but I didn't. He planned it all out he knew what he wanted and took it." Her eyes teared up. "Even though he's gone, I know he's still here."

"I don't know if I love Michael..."

"What?!" Ada soit out her drink. "We just bought the dress!"

"Why are You marrying him then honey?" Ada places her hands on my knee.

"I didn't have a choice."

"Okay maybe you took what I said a little too literally, I wanted to marry John."

"I know...it's like I have to marry Michael though. He's good to me, he will support me, and I owe it to him." I poured another shot.

"Stop," Esme put her hand over my glass. "Ada grab us the finest champagne from the back."

"I'm on it!" Ada shit up out her chair and stumbled to the back.

"We only have a few." She leaned over to me pensively. "I know what's going on I see it in your eyes and his. You ran away from Al cause he was taking you too seriously and would've divorced his wife for you. Alfie, god, sounds like he would've given you the world! You can't runaway from Tommy. He already has a dead wife on his shoulders." Esme looked up to see Ada stumbling back with a bottle of wine in hand.

"C-couldn't find a-any champagne." Ada slurred.

"It's in the back I saw it earlier!" Esme ordered her back into the room. We waited until Ada was out of sight.

"Al and Alfie were different."

"I know Polly wants you to fall for Tommy, get hitched, and then be her little voodoo doll. But I'm saying if you marry Tommy at least get rid of the old bag!"

"Esme!" I shouted in shock.

"What?" She began lighting a cigarette.

"I'm marrying Michael."

"Yeah, yeah, we all marry our first lives in a way." Ada kicked her feet up on the table.

"Al tried to kill him." I leaned in and whispered.

"That's all very well and all, but we all know you returned cause you thought it was Tommy."

She was right. I did worry at first Tommy was the one going to be shot. I just never wanted to be honest with myself about it. Would Tommy have even taken the leap for marriage if he were the one shot? He knew becoming apart of his family was the best situation for my protection but he seemed to have little interest in making me his wife. Maybe he only liked the thrill of sneaking around?

"Tommy only wants what he can't have." I took Esme's cigarette from out of her mouth.

"There's no champagne Esme, I swear." Ada complained from the back room.

"Top shelf Ada!" Esme yelled.

At that moment the two double door flew open. A tall dark man followed by three others stood in the doorway out of breath. Ada flew in from the back proudly holding the champagne, which she ended up dropping at the sight of them. I quickly placed the cigarette in the ash tray. The men stepped into the light. It was Tommy followed by Arthur and Finn.

"What are you guys doing here?" Tommy asked agitatedly.

"We were just enjoying a drink, god." Esme rolled her eyes.

"Something happened, we need Melvina. The rest of you head to the manor!"

"What happened?" Ada ran over.

"C'mon girls!" Arthur ordered and took Ada under his arm.

I timidly walked up to Tommy who shielded me from the rain outside with his trench coat. Everything seemed to slow down as I watched him order the men into vehicles. Obviously Tommy and I were put into a single car together.

"Where's Michael?" I asked in a low nervous voice.

"He's fine, I told him to stay home this time." Tommy wouldn't look over as he spoke.

"Tommy, what's going on?"

"You're in danger Mel." He looked over with the most worried expression I've seen plastered on his face.

The Knights Of Birmingham जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें