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I opened up the dust ridden curtains of the apartment. The early morning sun's rays shined upon my pale skin. I walked over to the wardrobe and picked out the light brown wide legged pants with a light pink blouse. I curled my long blonde locks and slapped on a matching light pink cloche hat before running out the door. This was going to be my first day in my new adult life. Only a few weeks ago I was nineteen, simply a reckless child. Now I'm twenty and a sophisticated political woman. Many women would kill for my job. I'm paving the way for many women behind me.

I took a cab over to parliament. I haven't been more excited in my life. This was already a great start. As we approached the building my eyes widened in amazement. All I needed to do was work under this Labour MP for a few years, stay on his good side, and work up the branches until one day I'll become a politician.

The driver pulled the cab over to the curb and opened the door. I stepped out in my new brown leather boots, ready for what was about to come. I strides confidently to the gates, gave them my name and walked in. This was it. I walked up the stairs, since the elevator was out of order, to the third level.

"Hold up little lady, where do you think you're going?" One of The guards stopped me.

"I'm the new secretary, sir." I shined my ID. His eyes popped out of his head. He shut his mouth then lowered his arm. "I'm sorry ma'am, do you need any help to the office?"

"Thank you..." I leaned over to inspect his badge. "Albert, but I can take it from here." I smiled as I continued down the hall.

The Hall was cold and silent. Not even a whisper. Each room held a different person of rank. I wonder who their secretaries were? The last door read Labour MP in bold lettering. I took a deep breath before pushing open the door, still holding the stack of papers in my hand.

Inside there was a single desk, my desk, and a phone, my phone. I placed the papers down gently in a neat pile next to a name plate that read 'Mamie Burke'. I brushed my fingers against the name plate. I had made it.

"Well this is just excellent Thom-" Michael stopped in his tracks as he pushed open my boss's door. "Mamie?" He smiled. The two men and an older woman stopped behind him.

"Good morning Miss Burke." Thomas Shelby greeted as he slipped past Michael.

"Mr. Shelby," recollected myself with an awkward smile. "I see you've found your desk."

"Oh yes,"

"I'm Polly," the older woman pushed Michael aside and shook my hand. "I'm glad there's a woman here to keep you in order Tommy." She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Has anyone told you, you look like Carole Lombard?"

"Alright Polly, I've got to go work." Tommy chuckled putting his hands into his pockets.

"Of course darling," she looked towards me. "It's been a pleasure Miss Burke."

"Likewise," we all waited to speak until Polly left the room.

"Why didn't you tell me you were Tommy's assistant?" Michael asked.

"I honestly had no idea." I put down my name plate.

"Same means for you too Michael." Tommy laid his hand on his shoulder.

"Alright, alright, I'm going." Michael started walking to the door. "Don't be too hard on her Tommy."

"Alright, get!" Tommy yelled. Michael laughed and closed the door behind him. "Sorry about that, they're a little overwhelmed."

"It's fine, so am I." I looked down at the stack of papers. "Oh, I wrote down the information you wanted." I grabbed the stack and handed them to Tommy.

"Yes, thank you." He looked shocked.

"Do you need anything?"

"Tea?" He crossed his arms.

"Yeah I can make you a cup."

"No, I meant do you want to go get a drink at the Garrison."


"There's not much happening today, I've taken care of it. So I thought I should get to know you since we are going to be working together."

"Whatever you'd like Mr. Shelby." I smiled. This was going to be bad...

Tommy waved a cab to take us over to the Garrison. He opened the cab door for me. We didn't talk for the whole ride. I felt incredibly awkward the whole time, I played with my thumbs to keep my attention. Tommy just stared out the window. I admired his perfect jawline and every freckle on his face. I could see why he was dangerous.  He was an angel stuck in a broken world.

"Here we are!" The driver announced.

"Thank you," Tommy handed the man the fare and then opened the door for me.

We ran inside cause of the rain. Inside it was crowded as usual. The waitress from yesterday dropped a pint glass behind the bar as she saw us. One of the other girls yelled at her to clean it up.

"Follow me," Tommy whispered in my ear. He guided me across the bar with his right arm around my back. We went over to the back booth again. A perky waitress came over for our orders.

"What will it be Shelby?"

"The usual, you?" Tommy glanced over to me.

"I forgot my clutch back at the office."

"Shelby's dont pay." He smiled. "She'll have a whiskey."

"Thanks," I meekly thanked him. "But whiskey is for business, what's the business?" I joked, and laid my arms on the table.

"This is business, so you're from Cork?"

"Yeah, I know." I laughed.

"Why did you leave?"

"Reasons, also got a job."

"Explain, I got all day." He leaned in. "I need to trust you in order for you to work for me." He lit both of us a cigarette.

"Uh, I understand." I nodded. What was I going to say? Not the full truth that was for sure. This was my new beginning, my past wasn't me anymore.

"Here you go," the waitress came by and broke the tension. I immediately took the cherry out of my whiskey.

"One thing about me, I can tie cherry stems in my mouth."

"Why parliament?" He took another drag of his cigarette.

"I've always wanted to work in politics." I sipped my drink.

"All the way in Birmingham?"

"Ever been married Mr. Shelby?" I took a drag of my cigarette.

"Once," his eyes glanced down at his drink.

"I got married straight out of school." I stuck the cigarette in the nearby ashtray. "It was to get away from my father, we were never on good terms since my birth. It felt like the only way out. My husband wasn't any better though."

"What did he do?" Tommy suddenly seemed interested, almost worried. "If you don't mind telling me."

"He was overly protective, a little too much." I drank the rest of the whiskey. "He didn't allow me to work or see friends. So I decided to apply for a job, and once I got hired I left that night."

"Wow, thats a lot to handle." He leaned back. "I feel like I've seen you before."


"No, I mean I've definitely seen you before."

"I don't think so. I've never left Cork before."

"Maybe it was Carol Lombard." He chuckled taking the last sip of his drink.


The Knights Of Birmingham Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora