Chap. 7

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I waited for another few mins and got another msg.

Unknown num: Btw hi I am John.

I was dumbfounded. It was John! He is of my class and sitting just across me. My cheeks started burning and I couldn't help it. John is Todd's best friend, so a typical jerk too. My hands started typing faster.

Me: how did you get my number?

John: just from someone ;)

Me: bye! >.<

Yes! Yes I put up that smiley just to indicate that I am so not interested in him.

I didn't know he would go beyond that and come to me. The bell rang and as I stood up to leave for lunch John came to me,"hey newbie!" He said understanding the awkward situation he made.

I gave him a look. "What?" I asked keeping my tone polite.

"Wanna have lunch with me?" He asked putting his collar up in style.

"No thanks!" I put in a closed smile and walked away behind my friends.

"What?" He was probably shocked to hear that. I mean I rejected his proposal of having lunch with one of the popular guys in here...even though they are jerk but still girls can't just reject cute guys, can they? Oh yes, I can!

I gave him another death glare and went out of the classroom.

"Wow, you are being noticed!" Shaira made fun of me.

"'s more like inviting danger!" I joked.

The rest of the day was even more tiresome as we had maths after that! 2 more hours and it's all over! I stood up to go home.

"Hey Lizzie" Khusbu knocked me as we stepped out of the class, "are you hanging out with Evan?"

"No!" I said in disbelief! "We are just neighbours!" I gave a justified answer.

I stepped out in search of Evan and he was nowhere to be found. Then I searched for the parking area and there he was with his group of friends and Beatrix standing next to him and playing with his curl hair. Evan was too busy on the phone to notice her or me. I slowly went upto them as some of the old guys from the snow skate that day recognised me. Evan after finishing with the call came upto me.

"Let's go?" He said as he dragged me away and started walking the way to the bus stop.

"You look tense" I said.

"We have a basketball tournament and one guy hasn't come to practice yet! Although he is a good player but we can't risk. So I was contacting him" he replied shortly.

"Oh" I nodded.

I smiled as I remembered back when he dragged my hand, how jealous Beatrix must have been, and just then she came with her car and stopped along us.

"You two are walking home?" She asked, more to Evan. Giving me a dirty look.

"Yup! Just enjoying this weather" Evan laughed.

"You will get late for this girl! Come I will drop you" she offered to help.

Evan gave a you-have-to-include-her-too look at her.

"Fine..I will drop you both" she concluded.

Evan looked at me and I remembered how awkward it was last time in the car. I didn't want that to happen again.

"Well, I have things to buy....stationary I will take the bus ride home! You go Evan" I said quickly before he could stop me.

I didn't want Evan to get late coz of me!

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