I think Emma, David, Ruby and Zelena have been cursed

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A crack of thunder and a dark cloud rolled over the Jones house. Neither Emma or Killian woke up to the storm only over their house. The only one who noticed was baby Hope. The lightning soon found its target Emma.

This continued for a few days hitting different targets each night first Emma then David, next Ruby and then Zelena. They acted different first they would start to just freeze and not moving, then they would start skipping words, most recently they started glitching like a video game character. On the sixth day of this happening Snow decided she had to do something about this. She couldn't go to Rumple because he was with Belle now. Blue had changed she was no longer helpful, so Snow couldn't ask her. The only person left to ask was Regina.

Regina was awoken by a loud banging on her door. Not wanting the visitor to disturb Henry she got out of bed and ran down the stairs. Opening the door, she saw Snow, just what she needed at seven o'clock in the morning on Sunday.

"What is it Snow? " Regina whispered in a board tone.

"I need your help " Snow exclaimed desperately, looking helpless

Regina felt sorry for the women she used to hate with her whole being, so she invited her in, making Snow and herself a coffee. Taking a seat at the dining room table Regina gave Snow a look that said just hurry up and tell me what's up.

"I think Emma, David, Ruby and Zelena have been cursed"

Regina's breathe hitched at the words Emma and cursed. Emma had to be safe that's what kept Regina happy. If Emma wasn't she had no clue what she would do. She needed Emma. She was her saviour. The united reals needed her, Henry needed her, Hope needed her but most importantly Regina needed her. Snow's hand waved in front of her face, not realising how long she was lost in thought she was.

"What make you say they're cursed" Regina asked timidly hoping it was all a dream

Snow explained all the symptoms to Regina in great detail. The symptoms confused Regina she had never seen or heard about this before. Once Snow left Regina wrote a quick note to Henry telling him she would be back later. Then she poofed herself in to the library that has been closed since Belle passed away. Grabbing every book about magic she could find, she sat in the corner Reading all the books.

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