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Seven years later.
It's been seven years. Seven years since I got this mark. Seven years that's how long it took for me to realize I was different . I'm not human. Ma and Pa aren't my real parents. It's been seven years but it feels like yesterday when I felt like my world change.
I was in class ,the bell had just rung letting everyone know it was time for free period. Free period was my favorite time of the day. For some odd reason I felt so energetic. I saw my friend Pete and Lana playing so I joined them.
"Hey Pete, Hey Lana" I said as I hugged them.
"Hey Clark want to throw rocks with us? We're in a competition. " Lana said while showing the massive pile of rocks on the side of her.
"Sure"I said. I went towards my best friend.
As I ran  towards them the world started to slow down. It hit me. It was me I was moving fast.
It felt like forever but in reality it was only seconds.
"Clark I didn't even see you ,when did you get over here?"
"Um just now "I looked around nobody saw me . This is weird how could I move so fast.
I was so stuck in my thoughts it was my turn.
"So get this rock and throw it as hard as you can the person who can throw their rock the farthest wins."Lana said.
I got up and went to throw my rock I pulled back and threw it but all of a sudden instead of going a little far. It practically flew. I turned around and Lana and Pete mouth was open.
"Oh my god Clark you threw yours the farthest you win!!" Lana said excitedly she went to give me a hyg when the unthinkable happened.
I didn't see Lana anymore instead I saw muscle tissue , organs, and her bones. And their going strong as ever was heart. It sounded like when your in the pool and you hear everything muffled then it started to clear .
"Clark what's wrong?" Asked Lana with concern written all over her face.
"I -i need to go "and with that I was off I ran pass the school,students,teacher. I ran so long I saw mom on the porch humming.
"Clark is that you? What's wrong?" Ma asked as she dropped the broom.
"Ma I don't know what's wrong with metodayisawstraightthroughLanaandIsawherheartbeatingandimscaredthatsnotnormal." I said all in one breath.
"Clark baby I need you to use your words. "Ma said as she patted my back.
"Ma I don't know what's wrong with me today I saw straight through Lana and I saw her heart beating and I'm scared that's not normal."I looked up expecting to see my Ma freaking instead she looked like she was fighting a battle between herself.
"Clark I think it's time you knew honey follow me".
With that she grabbed my hand and we walked through the house , through the corn field and into the barn. Next thing I knew we were walking towards a door that I never knew was back there.
"Clark come help me push."Ma said
I went and pushed the door it looks like it hasn't been moved in years.
Behind the door were a huge something I can't tell what it was due to a large tarp over it. Next thing I knew I was walking I can't describe it but it felt like i was drawn to it. I touched the tarp and pulled it off. There in its glory was a spaceship and not like the ones from movies. I placed my hand on it and it lit up and I heard gears turning then a voice.
"Kal-El last son of Krypton."it said
"Kal-El? " I looked back on my mom amd their were tears streaming down her face.
"Clark honey it's time we talk"she said as she walked towards me and sat down.
"Clark I didn't have you. We adopted you when you were just a baby. One day me and Jonathan were outside and your ship crashed in the backyard. We heard crying and instantly ran towards you. There you were wrapped in a blanket and I picked you up and sung . You stopped crying and touched my face. In that moment you weren't a child from another planet. You were the child I wanted to take care of. Your Pa took one look at you and said he's ours now Martha and from that day you were ours. We took your ship to the barn where we learned so much about you. We found out that due to our sun you would have powers but it never said when. The ship said when it was time to give you this." Ma said as she handed me this pendant with a S on it .
I held it in my hands and something in me clicked.
"So I'm different?" I asked with tears in my eyes.
"Clark there is nothing wrong with you , do ya hear me? Me and your Pa love you with every ounce of blood in our bodies. We would never ever hurt you" Ma said as she tried to hug me.
"But you already did " I got up and ran and ran I heard Ma crying on Pa but I didn't care I just needed to get away. I ran and sat on a cliff.
All emotions I ever felt I let out. My life was a lie. I'm not human. My parents aren't my real parents. I feel hollow. I love them I just need space right now. I cried so much that I fell asleep with only one thing on my mind.

Bruce Pov
I was walking around the manor trying to map out a plan for how to save Gotham ,when a wave of sadness hit me. It knocked me off of my feet.
"Master Bruce are you alright?"Alfred asked .
"I was Alfred I was walking and a wave of sadness hit me. I felt it here " as I pointed to where my soulmate mark was.
"It seems you are feeling your soulmate emotions right now Master Bruce " Alfred said as he helped me off the floor.
"Thank you Alfred if you need me I'm on the patio."
With that I walked away. As I looked out in the garden another wave hit. I only had one thing on my mind.

Clark Pov
Where are you?
Bruce Pov
Where are you?

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